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Sunday, July 18, 2021

This is how we get billionaires like Bezos to pay their share


Jeff Bezos recently made $8.4 billion in just ONE day. Let’s compare that to what working families make: the median daily earnings in this country is around $150.

But it’s not just Bezos making astronomically more than workers. It’s Bloomberg, Buffett, and the billionaires who run the biggest corporations.

So, I must say it again: It’s time to tax the rich. That’s why my friend Elizabeth Warren and I introduced a wealth tax that would tax those with net worths over $50 million — that’s the top 0.05% of households — so the ultra-wealthy finally start paying their fair share.

This is a fight for economic justice, for leveling the playing field, and for creating a country that puts working people first. Add your name to my call for a wealth tax and show Congress what the people want! This is a fight I need you all in for, because we know powerful interests will be fighting this modest tax increase on the richest Americans.

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This pandemic crushed working people. One in seven families didn’t have enough to eat. More than eight million people were pushed into poverty. Historic levels of job loss have also led to millions of people losing their health care — during a public health crisis! All while Jeff Bezos and other billionaires continued to grow their fortunes.

Last year, Bezos paid less than 1% in federal taxes — compare that to the average household paying 14% in federal taxes. This is one big reason why the worst income inequality in half a century keeps getting even worse. The richest 1% of Americans own 35% of the nation’s wealth. The bottom 50% of folks have just 1.5% of the wealth. This extreme concentration of wealth is not seen in any other leading economy.

While leveling the playing field, taxing the rich would also bring in three trillion dollars. Just imagine what we could do with three trillion dollars. That’s COVID relief, health care, infrastructure, child care, education, fighting climate change, affordable housing, and so much more.

We cannot wait any longer. Join me in this fight to tax the rich and fund the programs working people need by signing on to the Ultra-Millionaire Tax Act as a grassroots co-sponsor today!

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In solidarity,

Pramila Jayapal


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