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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

CC Newsletter 08 Feb - The Thucydides Trap: Stumbling blindly into nuclear war


Dear Friend,

On a rapidly warming planet engulfed by bush fires, collapsing glaciers, floods and rising oceans the last thing needed is the growing threat of a nuclear war between superpowers possessing fatal arsenals capable of poisoning the atmosphere, the water and billions of living creatures. The current impasse between two superpowers, the US vs Russia + China, threatening to grow into a nuclear war, endangering the future of civilization and much of nature, echoes the Peloponnesian wars between Athens and Sparta for control of the Aegean world , witnessed by Thucydides, the Greek general and historian.

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In Solidarity

Binu Mathew

The Thucydides Trap: Stumbling blindly into nuclear war
by Dr Andrew Glikson

On a rapidly warming planet engulfed by bush fires, collapsing glaciers, floods and rising oceans the last thing needed is the growing threat of a nuclear war between superpowers possessing fatal arsenals capable of poisoning the atmosphere, the water and billions of living creatures. The current impasse between two superpowers, the US vs Russia + China, threatening to grow into a nuclear war, endangering the future of civilization and much of nature, echoes the Peloponnesian wars between Athens and Sparta for control of the Aegean world , witnessed by Thucydides, the Greek general and historian.

War tensions mount as EU powers hold talks in Moscow, Washington
by Alex Lantier

thousands of US troops arrived in Eastern Europe this weekend to threaten Russia’s western borders, the European Union (EU) powers held high-level talks yesterday. French President Emmanuel Macron traveled to Moscow to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin, while German Chancellor Olaf Scholz went to Washington for talks with US President Joe Biden, both to discuss NATO propaganda claims that Russia is preparing to invade Ukraine.

China’s support is a game changer for Russia
by M K Bhadrakumar

During the visit by President Vladimir Putin to Beijing on Friday, the world attention was focused on how far China would go in support of Russia in the latter’s standoff with the US and NATO. From the joint statement issued after the visit, China has given fulsome support to Russia, endorsing Moscow’s demand for security guarantee and its opposition to NATO expansion, the two core issues.

What the
Cuban Missile Crisis Can Teach Us About Today’s Ukraine Crisis
by Lawrence S Wittner

Commentators on the current Ukraine crisis have sometimes compared it to the Cuban missile crisis.  This is a good comparison―and not only because they both involve a dangerous U.S.-Russian confrontation capable of leading to a nuclear war.

Great Barrier Reef Fantasies: The Morrison Government’s Electoral Ploy
by Dr Binoy Kampmark

There are some things that strain credulity.  There are the dubious accounts of virgin births.    There are the resolute flat earth theorists and denialists of the moon landing.  To this can be added the environmental stance of Australia’s Scott Morrison and his ministers, one resolutely opposed to the empirical world.  We are now at the phoney stage
of an electoral war, and, with the government in more than a spot of bother, you can start expecting some rather extravagant promises of public spending.

How Inequalities Reduced the Ability of Even the Biggest Economy to Meet the Needs of Its People
by Bharat Dogra

Problems of the bottom half of the population in the USA are much more serious than is commonly realized

The Great Disconnect Part 3….
by Philip A Farruggio

The ignorant continue to deny vaccinations and deny face masks as a ‘ Fools badge of courage’.  They are so fixated on the terrible sin of blackness and gayness that they miss the fact that the right wing is nibbling on their bones. It has always been this Military Industrial Empire that looks at all of us working stiffs and unemployed as serfs, even

It  is high time UN to right its wrong in Sri Lanka
by Kumarathasan Rasingam

Genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka. UN Failed to apply R2P and protect the Massacre of 147,000 Tamils

Welcoming the opposition to Centre’s likely move to privatise Singareni Collieries
by E A S Sarma

On the imminent likelihood of privatisation of the Singareni Collieries, having worked in the Telangana region in different capacities, especially in the esastern parts of the Adilabad district where Singareni company operates, also as a former Principal Adviser (Energy) in the Planning Commission and as the former Union Power Secretary, I am well aware of the heritage value of Singareni Collieries for Telangana people and its critical role in meeting the coal requirements of Telangana and
the other southern States.

An autofiction Manifesto
by Joshy Joseph

I was making all kinds of films all these years, but mostly non-fiction films. The idiom of story-telling  in my  films were  more or less indebted to a fictional tradition.  I pushed the boundaries to such an extent that it  becomes invalid after a point if I could hook my viewers. In some  films,  obviously a viewer –  friendly  idiom happened  and in some others a labyrinth signaled to more subterranean plots.

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