Frank —
This is what Greg Abbott promised us in November:
But this is what Greg Abbott said yesterday during a meeting about the approaching winter storm:
Greg Abbott lied to us. He lied because after last year’s crisis killed 700 loved ones and left millions out in the cold, he let corporate interests buy him off so he wouldn’t do anything to prevent the power grid from failing again. And he thinks he can get away with it. We can’t let him.
Will you give $10 or more to Beto right now to send Greg Abbott a message after he publicly admitted to lying about the power grid? Donate to show Abbott: We need a Governor who tells the truth and keeps the lights on.
During last year’s power grid failure, gas companies raked in $11 billion by robbing Texans while families froze.
Then, Abbott got $4.6 million in campaign donations from top executives at those very companies. So instead of passing laws to fix the grid, Abbott focused on protecting those corporate profits by passing the price tag of the grid failure on to working Texans. It’s called the Abbott Tax, and it means higher monthly utility bills.
Now, the coldest weather of the year is approaching. And even though Texans are paying as much as $50 more per month on their utility bill, our power isn’t guaranteed to stay on.
It’s corruption, plain and simple. Greg Abbott is failing the people of Texas. We need to fire him and elect a governor who will keep the lights on.
Frank, our campaign is putting in the work every day to defeat Abbott in November. Beto is about to launch a 2,100 mile statewide drive to commemorate the anniversary of the power grid failure and hold Abbott accountable for his corruption. But everything we plan to do — travel, knocking doors, hiring staff — is 100% funded by supporters like you.
If you can, donate now to help fire Greg Abbott. Every dollar counts.
Let’s unite around a brighter future for Texas where we finally fix the grid, bring utility costs down, and keep the lights on so this deadly crisis never happens again.
In solidarity,
Beto for Texas

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