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Thursday, January 20, 2022

We’re blaming the wrong things for SF crime -- please read



Chesa Boudin: We’re blaming the wrong things for San Francisco retail theft

The criminal justice reform movement is facing strong headwinds and a powerful recall attempt in San Francisco. Please consider donating to our campaign to help keep our movement on the right track.

Hi, it's Chesa Boudin. 

In December, I published an op-ed in SFGate addressing an important topic that’s been on the minds of many San Franciscans in recent months.

Our city has been caught in the crossfire of attacks on criminal justice reform, thanks to several high-profile retail thefts of luxury stores around the Bay Area and across the country.  

The all-too-common response in these circumstances is to call for more policing, a “crackdown” on crime, and attacks on progressive reform. I’m here to tell you that these knee-jerk reactions are not only short-sighted, they also won’t make us safer.

You can read the full text of my op-ed on SFGate. But here’s the bottom line:

We are at a tipping point in San Francisco; we’re in danger of making a decision driven by fear.

We should not return to the days of locking up every person who commits any offense, no matter how small — a practice which not only failed to stop crime but also disproportionately impacted over-policed communities of color. Returning to those criminal justice policies offers no solution. We can have both safety and justice.

I was elected in 2019 to keep San Francisco safe by focusing on prevention, supporting victims, and holding police accountable. And by the way, it's working: 

The recall efforts are spending millions to reverse our movement, and I need your help.

It’s only through a multi-faceted approach to criminal justice reform that we can truly make our city the safe, thriving, and just city that it’s meant to be. I’m not done fighting, I hope you’ll keep fighting with me.

I can’t thank you enough for your support,

Chesa Boudin

Chesa Boudin was elected District Attorney of San Francisco in 2019 to reform our criminal justice system. Now, right-wingers  want to reverse our progress and return our city to a time when innocent people were locked away and police acted with impunity.

Please chip in today to keep up the fight to reform San Francisco's criminal justice system.

20 Galli Drive
Ste A
Novato, CA 94949



Ad paid for by Friends of Chesa Boudin Opposing the Recall, FPPC #1437058, Financial Disclosures available at
Committee major funding from:
1. Christian Larsen ($100,000)
2. Jessica McKellar ($50,000)
3. Laura Skelton ($50,000)

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