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Saturday, January 1, 2022



Grover Norquist sponsored overseas Forum on Ending the IRS to Global, Parliamentary and Coalition leaders; Upcoming Speaking Engagement that includes world Parliamentary Leaders


Grover Norquist, known for his Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) has taken his dislike of the IRS to a coalition that include members of Parliament from around the world. In Instanbul, Norquist would host a forum based off of his book titled ‘End the IRS before it ends US. Staffan Wennberg, Chairmen of the World Taxpayers Associations would also speak at this forum. Grover Norquist is a member of WTA.

Prior Blog: Americans for Tax Reform – Grover Norquist global reach, Japanese Parliament, Japanese Local Government Chiefs and Councilors signed to No-Tax Pledge (Translated/Original Text)

World TaxPayers Association members – organization connecting taxpayer protection groups from over 60 countries. Some of these organizations that make up the members of WTA are members of Parliament from different countries. In Berlin on March 17-19,2016 a WTA Conference ’16th Biennial World Conference’ will be held and Grover Norquist will be a guest speaker. The conference theme is ‘Good Governance and Low Taxes – Necessities in an Uncertain World?!’
Some of the leaders also speaking are members of Parliament from around the world.

Below this long list of Conference speakers you see below I have added the organizations affiliated and their ties to several country parliaments around the world

WTA Conference ’16th Biennial World Conference’ SPEAKERS

President of Americans for Tax Reform

National leader in bringing transparency to government spending

Parlamentray State Secretary,
Ministry of Transport and
Digital Infrastructure of

Minister of State Germany

Journalist, Author
and Broadcaster

Member of the European

President European Economic
Senate (EWS), Vice President
European Parliament ret.

President of the Institute for
Economic Studies – Europe

State Chancellor Canton of
Aargau, Switzerland and
designated Director of the
Think Tank Avenir Suisse

Member of
Board of Directors of the Competitive
Enterprise Institute (CEI), Non-Profit Fundraiser

President Taxpayers
Association of Europe (TAE)

President German Taxpayers
Assocation (BdSt)

Secretary General Taxpayers
Association of Europe (TAE),-
CEO European Economic
Senate (EES)

Chairman Austrian Economics Center (AEC),European
Resource Bank

Vice Chairman of World
Taxpayers Associations,
President and CEO of Canadian
Taxpayers Federation

Personal Style and Shopping

Member of European Court of
Auditors ECA

Chairman of the Board
Geopolitical Information
Service AG

Chair of Criminal Law, Law
Relating to Economic Offences and
Criminal Law at the
University of Saarland

Member of Board of the German
Central Bank

Professor of Economics at the
University of Melbourne

Member of the Committee on
Economic and Monetary
Affairs of European Parliament

Head of Health and Welfare of the
Institute of Economic
Affairs (iea)

Senior Fellow at the Cato
President of Americans for Tax Reform

Member of Committee on Budgets of European
Parliament, President SME Global,
President SME Europe hon.

CEO rs Medienberatung

President National Taxpayers Union’s

Vice President German

Institute of Economic
Research, Slovak Academy of Sciences

Ohio State University

President World Taxpayers
Assocations (WTA)

Chief Executive of
TaxPayers` Alliance

Director General of the Institute
of Economic Affairs (IEA)

CEO Hotel Services Central
and Eastern Europe ACCOR HOTELS S.A.

Chair for Tax Management and Laws of Liechtenstein and International Taxation, University of Liechtenstein.

Serial Entrepreneur, Angel Investor in Early-Stage Start-ups, and Digital Innovator

World TaxPayers Association  (WTA) MEMBERS


Taxpayers’ Alliance (TPA) – a British pressure group and think tank formed in 2004 to campaign for a low tax society. The group had about 18,000 registered supporters as of 2008,[1] and claimed to have 55,000 by September 2010.[2]

Adam Afriyie – Conservative Party Member of Parliament (MP) for Windsor since 2005
Tim Congdon CBE
Howard Flight – Conservative Party Member of Parliament (MP) for Arundel and South Downs from 1997 to 2005
Ruth Lea
Professor Patrick Minford CBE
Andrew Roberts
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 7th Marquess of Salisbury
Roger Scruton

Skatteborger Foreningen

Austrian Economics Center

Bund der Steuerzahler Bayern

Taxpayer Movement South Africa (TPMSA)

Taxpayers Association of Kazakhstan

Association for Liberal Thinking

Taxpayers Protection Alliance

David Williams is the President of the Taxpayer Protection Alliance (TPA).
TPA was founded in 2011 as a 501(c)(6) nonprofit, educational and advocacy organization dedicated to educating the public through the research, analysis and dissemination of information on the governments effects on the economy. TPA through its network of taxpayers will hold politicians accountable for the effects of their policies on the size, scope,
efficiency and activity of government and offer real solutions to runaway deficits and debt.
Mr. Williams is an expert on government waste and the budget process. His television appearances include: “ABC News with Peter Jennings,” “Hannity and Colmes,” CNN, and Fox News. He has also appeared on numerous local network affiliates. Mr. Williams has appeared on hundreds of radio talk shows from coast to coast, including WBZ in Boston, WGN in Chicago, KABC in Los Angeles, WCBS in New York, and WOAI in San Antonio.
Mr. Williams has testified numerous times on government waste issues before committees of the United States Senate and House of Representatives.
During his 18 years in Washington, DC, Mr. Williams has been instrumental in the development of strict criteria to define pork-barrel spending that is used by members of Congress and the media.
Mr. Williams has traveled to Great Britain, Jamaica, and South Korea to help establish groups similar to TPA in those countries.
Mr. Williams has a Masters of Art in Political Science from Villanova University, and a Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications from Kutztown University.

Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance

New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union – a taxpayer pressure group founded in 2013 to scrutinise government spending; publicise government waste and promote an efficient tax system.[1] It claims to be politically independent and not aligned to, or intended to develop into a political party

Citizens for Limited Taxation – largest taxpayers association in Massachusetts.



India Taxpayer

Americans for Tax Reform (ATR)

Hibernian Forum – Ireland’s new free market think-tank

Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF)
Politicians with roots in the federation include Conservative Party Member of Parliament Jason Kenney, who had previously been the federation’s CEO. Former Alberta director John Carpay was a Reform Party candidate in the riding of Burnaby-Kingsway in the 1993 federal election.[16] Walter Robinson, CTF federal director from 1998 to 2004, left the position to run as a Conservative in the 2004 federal election in Ottawa-Orléans.

John Williamson, the CTF’s former Federal Director is now a Member of Parliament for the riding of New Brunswick Southwest.[17] Adrienne Batra, the CTF’s former Manitoba Director is now the Toronto Sun’s editor-in-chief and previously worked as press secretary to then Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.[18] John Carpay, the organization’s former Alberta Director is now President of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.[19] Mark Milke, the CTF’s former Alberta and BC Director is now a Senior Fellow with the Fraser Institute.[20] David Maclean, the CTF’s former Saskatchewan Director is now Vice President with the Alberta Enterprise Group.[21]

Taxpayer AM

Japanese for Tax Reform – has a pledge lit like ATR (I’ve have a translated list of Japanese leaders sign to the No-Tax Pledge in another blog

Skattebetaler Foreningen –  Norwegian association is working actively to influence tax policy through the media, politicians and relevant authorities

Bund der Steuerzahler Deutschland –(BdSt) is a registered association, which was founded in 1949.  As its objectives, the association is called the reduction of taxes and fees, and the reduction of bureaucracy, control waste and debt. However, he is not entitled to tax to pay. Idea and creation  –The Debt of federal taxpayers’ shows its elevation to the national debt of Germany

In the late 1920s was the proprietor of Danatbank (short Danatbank), Jakob Goldschmidt, with leading industrialists, including Robert Bosch, Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach and Karl Adolf Tilo Freiherr von Wilmowsky call a taxpayer initiative. This approach was a study of the financial scientist Günter Schmölders about the Swedish Taxpayers movement and their transferability is based on Germany.The establishment of this initiative has not been completed [2]. Günter Schmölders 1932 successor to the Financial scientist Karl Brauer on a professorship of the University of Breslau.

Skattebetalarna – Swedish Taxpayers’ Association

Property Rights Alliance – Property Rights Alliance (PRA), an affiliate of Americans for Tax Reform, stands as an advocacy organization dedicated to the protection of physical and intellectual property rights, both domestically and internationally.

Taxpayers Association of Ukraine

Ohrid Institute for Economic Strategies and International Affairs

Taxpayers Association of Grenada

Taxpayer Movement South Africa

Taxpayers Association of Europe

Taxpayers’ Alliance Ghana

Taxpayers League of Ghana

Tax Foundation


National Taxpayers Union (NTU)

Taxpayers Australia

Bund der Steuerzahler

Eesti Maksumaksjate Liit – Estonian Taxpayers Union (EPU) was established on September 30, 1995. Taxpayers unite, to defend ourselves, in an arbitrary tax, low country of legal certainty, a high tax burden and a waste of tax money.

Contribuables Associés  – French Tax association created on March 7 1990




Grover Norquist, Jack Abramoff, and Tom Delay controversy does not stop Republicans across the United States signing on to Norquist’s ATR Pledge


Democrats did not have a great year, the economy did not turn around quick for some and many just decided that our elections don’t matter so they decided not to vote. Some thought it best to play it safe and said it be easier to put in two opposing parties rather than picking the best candidates. The notion or belief I guess is that somehow Republicans would be willing to work more with Democrats and President Obama if they have majority in the House. The remarks of the Tea Party and Republicans have been so extreme I just have to wonder where is the expected middle ground that can be found with Congress. Before the elections Republicans Jim Demint and Michele Baachmann have clearly demonstrated they would be planning to be obstructionist on many things. I don’t and will never get the reasoning behind this except that maybe some didnot like the the economy did not rebound as soon as they would like.

America I wished would have voted in majority to stay the course, but instead because your Change did not come quick enough you’ve decided to seek out the help of those who have a well known controversial past to save America.

For every step forward we have to take more steps backwards because you were unsure or maybe you got a lot of false information from Republican leaders and media groups like Fox News. And now we have across the country nationally and state wide officials involved with controversial officals like Norbet Norquest. Newt Gingrich

The new majority 112 th Congress has arrived and the Republicans are pledge to Grover Norquist. Many state wide officials in many states are also pledge to Controversial figure Norquist.

Grover Norquist and Tom Delay created K Street Project 
The K Street Project is an effort by the Republican Party (GOP) to pressure Washington lobbying firms to hire Republicans in top positions, and to reward loyal GOP lobbyists with access to influential officials. It was launched in 1995 by Republican strategist Grover Norquist and then-House majority whip Tom DeLay. It has been criticized as being part of a “coziness” between the GOP and large corporations which has allegedly allowed business to rewrite government regulations affecting their own industries in some cases (see Dick Cheney energy task force).

Grover Norquist is “the person who I regard as the most innovative, creative, courageous and entrepreneurial leader of the anti-tax efforts and of conservative grassroots activism in America . . . He has truly made a difference and truly changed American history.”
– Former Speaker

Newt Gingrich (R-GA)“Americans for Tax Reform is a wonderful-sounding name. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a front organization for Grover Norquist’s lobbying activities.”
– Former Sen. Warren Rudman (R-NH)

Norquist is “the V.I. Lenin of the anti-tax movement.”
– Columnist Paul Gigot, Wall Street Journal, 04/14/1994

“Americans for Tax Reform is a front for the Republican Party. Republicans are hiding money in this group, and that is fundamentally dishonest.”
– Charles Lewis, executive director of the Center for Public Integrity

“You can wear too many hats and [Norquist] does. He’s a whole hat store. And that’s the conflict of interest: He’s head of a non-profit. He’s a corporate lobbyist. He’s a foreign lobbyist. This gives nonprofits, which are supposed to be doing research, a bad name.”
– Charles Lewis, executive director of the Center for Public Integrity. New York Times, 06/08/1997

What makes Grover Norquist so controversial, but yer across the country Republicans are have a signed a pledge with Grover Norquist, American Tax Reform. Maybe it’s the money he can take in.

It goes like this: Scanlon sells the tribes on a full-service political solution to reach their goal. Here’s the opener from a pitch to Michigan tribes:

The sell is a plan to ‘form an army’. This army will, of course, be formed by the Scanlon-Abramoff team and will consist databases and campaigns created via targeted polls, databases, mailings, and ‘grassroots’ efforts. In the Abramoff model, Ralph Reed, Grover Norquist, and even Dick Armey were the go-to people for grassroots. One example used Reed’s Christian Right groups to oppose one tribe’s efforts to open a casino so Abramoff and Scanlon could pick up the pieces and convince that tribe to turn the verdict around using their services.

Here’s one of their schemes with Grover Norquist in the center:

“Just as it is important to identify our opposition, it will be crucial to identify those indiduals and organizations who will support your effort.  Our pollin will likely help to determine who will be our most likely targets, but once they have been identified, we will directly and indirectly work with them to support their efforts to see this ballot measure succeed.  Likely groups include Christian organizations and other minority religious outlets throughout the state.” 

Republicans do love  polling.

The money would then flow through non-profits to the pockets of Abramoff, Scanlon, Reed, Grover Norquist, and Dick Armey. Here’s an excerpt outlining Grover Norquist’s requirements for supplying grassroots support:

 No surprise Grover Norquist’s requirement would be to make a $50,000 donation to ATR.

In another email sent to Mark Ruge from Jack Abramoff  reveals the whole sham.   Abramoff writes “I spoke this evening with Grover.  He said that, if they want the taxpayer movement, including him, involved on this issue and anything else which will come up over the course of the year or so, they need to become a major player with ATR.  It seems that on another matter, he is getting a similarly large contribution to get involved.  It is possible that we could get away with less–possibly even half–vut I’ll have to push, which of course, I am happy to do.  He does not want to do any additional personal representations.  He would prefer donations to ATR.  Please let me know what you want to do on this.  Thanks.

In Another email from Jack Abramoff to Garvie Pamela he writes the following: “Yes, he would do everything they need for him to do to win.  He would be very active.  What is most important, however, is that this matter is kept discreet.  We do not want the opponents to think that we are trying to buy the tax payer movement.  This approach should be kept as close to the vest as possible and, in any event, might ve best achieved by doing it indirectly.  Let’s discuss if they are interested to move forward.”

Playing both sides for their own personal gains. 

When pressed for details by the client on what a $50,000 contribution to Grover’s organization will buy, Abramoff responds: “everything they need for him to do to win.”

The Jack Abramoff Indian lobbying scandal is a United States political scandal relating to the work performed by political lobbyists Jack AbramoffRalph E. Reed, Jr.Grover Norquist and Michael Scanlon on Indian casino gambling interests for an estimated $85 million in fees. Abramoff and Scanlon grossly overbilled their clients, secretly splitting the multimillion-dollar profits. In one case, they secretly orchestrated lobbying against their own clients in order to force them to pay for lobbying services.

In the course of the scheme, the lobbyists were accused of illegally giving gifts and making campaign donations to legislators in return for votes or support of legislation. Representative Bob Ney (R-OH) and two aides to Tom DeLay (R-TX) have been directly implicated; other politicians, mostly Republican lawmakers with connections to Indian affairs, have various ties.

Mississippi Choctaw – Introduction to tribal lobbying

In the second half of the 1990s, Abramoff was employed by Preston Gates Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds LLP, the lobbying arm of Preston Gates & Ellis LLP law firm based in Seattle, WA. In 1995, Abramoff began representing Native American tribes with gambling interests, starting with the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians.

The Choctaw originally had lobbied the federal government directly, but beginning in 1994, they found that many of the congressional members who were respondent to their issues had either retired or were defeated in the “Republican Revolution” of the 1994 electionsNell Rogers, the tribe’s specialist on legislative affairs, had a friend who was familiar with Abramoff’s father and Abramoff’s work as a Republican activist. The tribe contacted Preston Gates, and soon after hired the firm and Abramoff.

One of Abramoff’s first acts was to defeat a Congressional bill, that sought to use the unrelated business income tax (UBIT) to tax Native American casinos, sponsored by Reps. Bill Archer (R-TX) and Ernest Istook (R-OK). Since the matter involved taxation, Abramoff enlisted help from his College Republican acquaintance Grover Norquist, and his Americans for Tax Reform (ATR). The bill was eventually defeated in 1996 in the Senate, due in part to grassroots work by ATR, for which the Choctaw paid $60,000.

According to Washington Business Forward, a lobbying trade magazine, “[Tom DeLay] was a major factor in those victories, and the fight helped cement the alliance between the two men.[14]

[edit] Ralph Reed and Grover Norquist 

Later, in 1999, Abramoff would enlist the help of another College Republican friend, Ralph Reed. The Choctaw needed to defeat a bill in the Alabama State Legislature which would allow casino-style games on dog racing tracks, which would result in competition for their casino business. Reed had recently contacted Abramoff via email, looking for some help in establishing new business.

“Hey, now that I’m done with electoral politics, I need to start humping in corporate accounts! I’m counting on you to help me with some contacts.” -Ralph Reed to Jack Abramoff, via email, November 12, 1998

Reed proposed to Abramoff some work which he and his firm, Century Strategies could perform. Reed could access “3,000 pastors and 90,000 religious conservative households” in Alabama, as well as “the Alabama Christian Coalition, the Alabama Family Alliance, the Alabama Eagle Forum, [and] the Christian Family Association.” Reed would require a $20,000 per month retainer for his services, as well as a retainer.

On April 6, 1999, Abramoff got Preston Gates to approve hiring Reed as a subcontractor, and told Reed to “get me invoices as soon as possible so I can get Choctaw to get us checks asap.”

By May 10, 1999, the Choctaw had paid $1.3 million to Reed via Preston Gates, for various grassroots activities relating to the dog-track bill, as well as opposing an Alabama state lottery. The tribe then discontinued paying the money through Preston Gates, and Abramoff suggested that they again use Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform as a conduit, which the tribe agreed to.

Although the anti-gambling effort was not related to ATR’s anti-taxation activities, ATR passed checks of up to $300,000 from the Choctaw to Reed’s firm, in one case taking $25,000 as a “management fee”.

Later in 1999, Abramoff utilized Reed’s services again to oppose the federal Internet Gambling Prohibition Act, on behalf of eLottery, a corporate client.[11]


Ralph Reed acknowledged accepting money from Indian tribes with gaming operations for his work at Century Strategies,the political consulting firm he founded after leaving the Christian Coalition in 1997. The story that unfolded was truly fantastic, linking Reed to his old friend, lobbyist Jack Abramoff, under investigation by two Senate committees and the Justice Department, along with Michael Scanlon, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay’s (R-TX) former press secretary, for bilking six Indian tribes out of more than $80 million between 2001 and 2004. (Reed met Abramoff in the early 1980s when both were active in the College Republicans; Grover Norquist is another friend from those days. )
• Reed contacted Abramoff in 1999 saying he wanted to do business. At the time, Abramoff was representing the Mississippi Choctaws, who opposed initiatives—a statewide lottery referendum and a video poker initiative–for legalized gambling in nearby Alabama because of the competition it would provide.

• Abramoff arranged for the Choctaws to give Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) $1.15 million in installments. Norquist agreed he would pass money on to the Alabama Christian Coalition and another antigamblinggroup that Reed was recruiting to fight the lottery. Reed knew the money came from the Choctaws. Indeed, he was sharing with Abramoff and the Choctaws his strategy and budget documents.

• Casinos and related entertainment businesses provide 85 to 90 percent of the Choctaw tribe’s revenues.

• Reed’s firm, Century Strategies, provided most of the services for the Alabama anti-gambling campaigns. When the Alabama Christian Coalition received checks from ATR, which totaled $850,000, the group signed them over to Reed immediately.

• Citizens Against Legalized Lottery, the other group Reed recruited to fight the anti-gambling campaigns, also turned money from ATR over to Reed. ATR sent a $300,000 check six days before the October 12, 1999 referendum on a statewide lottery. Five days later, Citizens Against Legalized Lottery wrote three checks to Reed totaling $270,960.


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