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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

We can’t arrest our way out of the problems San Francisco faces



Last week, I appeared with dozens of elected officials and activists to send a message that we cannot arrest and prosecute our way out of all the problems our city faces.

I reminded all who came to listen that the data shows us that more police and strict incarceration-minded prosecution doesn’t reduce crimes. It perpetuates cycles of crime.

Those attempting to circumvent democracy and throw me out of office believe that a “crackdown” lock ‘em-up style approach to criminal justice is the only option to make our city safer -- it isn’t.

I was elected in 2019 to turn a page on those outdated, failed policies. Now, I refuse to turn my back and renege on the promises I made to reform our system.

Here’s the bottom line: Arresting people who are addicted to drugs, jailing people who are struggling with mental health, and putting food vendors in cages will not solve the problems facing our city.

In fact, our approach has been working: We’ve redoubled our efforts at prosecuting violent crime; we’ve expanded support for victims of crime; reduced unnecessary incarceration; and held the powerful accountable -- especially rogue police and corporate bad actors.

Overall, crime has dropped during my tenure -- and San Francisco has been an exception to the nationwide trend of dramatic homicide spikes.

We know what needs to be done. Let’s keep moving forward as leaders in the effort to reform our criminal justice system.

Thank you for your support, 

Chesa Boudin

Chesa Boudin was elected District Attorney of San Francisco in 2019 to reform our criminal justice system. Now, right-wingers  want to reverse our progress and return our city to a time when innocent people were locked away and police acted with impunity.

Please chip in today to keep up the fight to reform San Francisco's criminal justice system.

20 Galli Drive
Ste A
Novato, CA 94949
Friend of Chesa Boudin Opposing the Recall
20 Galli Drive
Ste A
Novato, CA 94949-5731
United States


Ad paid for by Friends of Chesa Boudin Opposing the Recall, FPPC #1437058, Financial Disclosures available at
Committee major funding from:
1. Christian Larsen ($100,000)
2. Jessica McKellar ($50,000)
3. Laura Skelton ($50,000)

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