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Friday, December 24, 2021

The political establishment is targeting the Squad


Justice Democrats

The entire political establishment has attacked the Squad this year. Right-wing foreign policy hawks at AIPAC, extremists on Fox News, and corporate Democrats — they've all targeted the Squad. The political establishment attacks Cori, Jamaal, AOC, Rashida, Ilhan, and Ayanna because Justice Democrats threaten the status quo of the powerful, from D.C. to Wall Street.

We wanted to recap just some of what we’re up against going into an election year. AIPAC spent much of the year smearing the Squad for standing up for the lives of Palestinians. AIPAC even ran these disgusting, misleading Facebook ads:

AIPAC Facebook ads calling Ilhan, AOC and Cori liars

One of the despicable ads continued a smear campaign against Ilhan Omar started by Fox News, the GOP, and the far-right comparing her to "terrorists."

AIPAC Facebook ad comparing Ilhan a terrorist

Fox News targeted the Squad for speaking out when Palestinians were being displaced and killed by the Israeli government earlier this year.

Fox News graphic with pictures of AOC, Ilhan, Rashida and Ayanna condemning attacks on Palestinians

This is all to sow hate against the Squad. We can’t stand for it.

Help Justice Democrats fight back against these awful smear campaigns by chipping in $10 right now. We expect even more attacks during 2022, when the Squad faces re-election races.

Right wing groups were already spending campaign money against the Squad this year and we know they’ll spend more and more this year trying to tear down Cori, Jamaal, AOC, Ilhan, Rashida, and Ayanna.

Corporate Democrats will continue their smears too. They want to blame progressives for everything, even when it’s their own fault — for listening to Wall Street instead of the people.

Right after Democrats lost elections in Virginia, Corporate Democrats started blaming progressives for the GOP victory.

Tweet from reporter Heather Cagyle right after the Virginia 2021 election reads 'Dem members are already texting me blaming progressives for debacle in Virginia'

When corporate Democrats lose, they blame progressives. They did it when the House majority shrunk after the 2020 election. They’ll do it at every turn because they will never admit responsibility. Yet, it’s the Democratic establishment’s failure to deliver for the people that weakens the party in elections. Corporate Dems listen to corporate lobbyists instead of the people. This is the problem. NOT progressives advocating for strong transformative policies.

This is what we’re up against. A political establishment always ready to attack Justice Democrats. We know 2022 will be a tough election year, and we need to step up now to have the resources to fight back.

We need to show that we won’t back off our calls for economic, social, racial, and environmental justice.

Let’s keep up this fight together.

In solidarity,

Justice Democrats

Paid for by Justice Democrats

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