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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

MassCEC Offshore Wind Newsletter - December 2021


MassCEC Offshore Wind Newsletter
December 2021
Welcome to Massachusetts Clean Energy Center's (MassCEC) Offshore Wind Newsletter! This periodic newsletter provides updates on the industry and the initiatives that MassCEC and other regional organizations are spearheading to advance the responsible development of offshore wind energy. You are receiving this newsletter because you have been engaged with MassCEC's work in offshore wind in the past, and we want to keep you informed as a valued partner in our efforts. Please reach out to with any questions or comments.

In this edition...

MassCEC Offshore Wind Initiatives and Updates

Gov. Charlie Baker announces new MassCEC report at the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal.

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Report to Inform Offshore Wind Workforce Development in the Commonwealth. As part of efforts to build a skilled, diverse, and equitable offshore wind workforce in Massachusetts, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the release of a new MassCEC report assessing the workforce strengths, gaps, and opportunities in Massachusetts for the emerging industry. The report was sponsored by MassCEC and authored by BW Research Partnership. The release of the report was announced by Governor Charlie Baker, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides, and state and local officials at the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal as part of Climate Week in Massachusetts. The workforce report provides an overview of the existing regional training programs relevant to offshore wind, including grantees awarded under MassCEC’s 2018 and 2020 workforce development solicitations. The assessment examines the workforce needed to achieve MA’s offshore wind goals and the state’s ability to supply the necessary workers. 

Aerial photo of the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal. 

Offshore Wind Developers Sign Options to Lease New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal. In September and in advance of their submissions under the third Massachusetts 83C III offshore wind procurement solicitation, Vineyard Wind and Mayflower Wind executed Options to Lease the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal (NBMCT) with MassCEC for use as a staging and pre-assembly facility in support of their proposed round three projects.  Both companies have executed leases of the NBMCT for marshalling their projects selected under the first and second rounds of Massachusetts offshore wind energy procurements. Vineyard Wind’s existing lease covers a period between January 2023 through December 2024 for their Vineyard Wind 1 Project, and Mayflower Wind’s existing lease covers  January 2025 through 2027.  The Option executed by the developers this September allows for the lease of the NBMCT as early as the second half of 2027 to support the deployment of the next Massachusetts offshore wind project to be selected under the third offshore wind energy solicitation.   

MA Lt. Gov. Karen Polito tests VINCI VR OSW training technology. Photo source: Peter Pereia, The Standard-Times
Baker-Polito Administration Highlights Offshore Wind Workforce Opportunities, Virtual Reality Training Program at Greater New Bedford Vocational-Technical High School. On October 20, Lieutenant Governor Karen Polito, Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides, and MassCEC Interim CEO Jennifer Daloisio visited Greater New Bedford Vocational-Technical High School and met with students in the Marine Technology, Computer Graphics, and Engineering programs, highlighting potential career pathways in the offshore wind industry and participating in a demonstration of a new virtual reality offshore wind training program supported by the Baker-Polito Administration. The event was held as part of the Administration’s celebration of Massachusetts STEM Week. The virtual reality training program has been developed by VinciVR Inc., a startup technology business headquartered in Boston. In 2020, MassCEC provided an offshore wind workforce grant award to VinciVR, in partnership with Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, to certify two Global Wind Organisation (GWO) courses in Basic Technical Training-Installation and Slinger Signaler by using virtual reality software. VinciVR’s newest program is specifically designed to introduce students and professionals to offshore wind and the potential job opportunities created by the growing offshore wind industry. MassCEC connected VinciVR with another MassCEC award recipient, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW 223) in Taunton, where electrical apprentices have beta-tested VinciVR’s training modules. The apprentices have been the most successful participants in Vinci’s training with a 100% success rate, demonstrating the talent and expertise of Massachusetts emerging, skilled workforce and its ability to meet the needs of the offshore wind industry.  

Vineyard Wind Holds "Meet the Buyer Event" – DEME US Offshore & Foss Maritime. On  October 12th, Vineyard Wind hosted their first installment of a Meet the Buyer series at MassCEC’s New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal. This event afforded Massachusetts-based suppliers with relevant capabilities and service areas with the opportunity to meet with DEME US Offshore and their subcontractor, Foss Maritime. On March 31, 2021, Vineyard announced its selection of DEME US Offshore as its contractor for the offshore transport and installation of the wind turbine generators for the Vineyard Wind 1 project; set to start onshore construction in December 2022. Foss Maritime will provide the Jones Act compliant vessels to transport wind turbine components from the port of New Bedford to the specialized DEME US Offshore installation jack-up vessel. This event is part of Vineyard Wind’s Look Local First initiative, through which the developer and its major contractors to actively seek proposals and bids from Massachusetts companies. With support from MassCEC, the October Meet the Buyer event proved to be a tremendous success that resulted in over forty individually-tailored meetings with Massachusetts-based businesses.  

Regional Wildlife Science Entity gains momentum.  Since its July 2021 launch, the Regional Wildlife Science Entity (RWSE) has made great strides in establishing formal operations and leading efforts to identify and prioritize regional wildlife science for offshore wind. RWSE managers and steering committee have finalized a governance structure, developed a near-term work plan and stood-up formal caucuses for state agencies, federal agencies, offshore wind industry and environmental NGOs. As aerial surveys ended in August 2021 for marine mammals and sea turtles in the southern New England wind energy areas, RWSE has prioritized the convening of a marine mammal subcommittee and is playing a key role in coordinating funding for near-term resumption of surveys while a longer-term plan is developed. RWSE subcommittees are the core venue for identifying key research gaps and needs, scoping initial research, and maintaining alignment between ongoing research and evolving needs. Additional subcommittees have been announced for birds and bats, habitat and ecosystem, and cross-taxa/cross-cutting topics. The RWSE will also play a supporting role in the Wildlife and Offshore Wind project led by Duke University and funded by U.S. Department of Energy. The RWSE is administered by the Northeast Regional Ocean Council, Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean, and the Coastal States Stewardship Foundation.
Stakeholders exploring options for continuation of aerial wildlife surveys.  Since 2011 MassCEC has partnered with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), and most recently, offshore wind developers, to collect data on the presence of marine mammals and sea turtles in the southern New England wind energy areas. The surveys and data analysis are conducted by New England Aquarium under contract to MassCEC.  The most recent survey campaign ended in September 2021. MassCEC is working with administrators of the Regional Wildlife Science Entity and other parties to evaluate the need for ongoing survey effort as the deployment of turbines nears and to identify potential sources of funding for additional survey effort.
Habitat Working Group September 14, 2021 Meeting. The Massachusetts Habitat Working Group met on September 14, 2021. Discussion topics included general updates from offshore wind developers as well as a detailed look at the Sunrise Wind mitigation plan, a suite of studies focused on marine mammals and offshore wind. There was also discussion on opportunities for continuation of marine mammal surveys conducted by the New England Aquarium. More information and a copy of presentations are available that this link.
Fisheries Working Group September 23, 2021 Meeting. The Massachusetts Fisheries Working Group met on September 23, 2021. Discussion topics included updates from offshore wind developers, fishing industry representatives and the Responsible Offshore Science Alliance. Kevin Stokesbury of UMass Dartmouth provided a detailed presentation on their Net Survey for Larval Lobster and Fish Neuston pilot regional fisheries study. More information and a copy of presentations are available that this link.
Research Consortium Releases Solicitation 2.0.  The National Offshore Wind R&D Consortium released its Innovations in Offshore Wind Solicitation 2.0  in August 2021.  The solicitation offers up to $8 million in two rounds.  Full proposals for round 1 were received by November 10, 2021 focusing on supply chain logistics and operations and maintenance.  Round 2 concept papers will be due on March 9, 2022 in the areas of environmental conflicting use mitigation and power systems & interconnection.   
MassCEC interim CEO Jennifor Daloisio speaks at the Supply Chain 101 Seminar.

New Market Opportunities in Offshore Wind: Supply Chain 101 Seminar at ACP Offshore 2021. From October 13-15, the MassCEC Offshore Wind team attended the 2021 American Clean Power Offshore Windpower conference held at the Boston Omni Hotel at the Seaport. On the first day of the conference, MassCEC, along with CommerceRI and the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development, sponsored an Offshore Wind Supply Chain-101 seminar. The purpose of this event was to provide local businesses with a better understanding of the opportunities to get involved in Offshore Wind projects; to hear from state government, offshore wind farm developers, tier 1 contractors; and provide networking opportunities. The seminar highlighted regional collaboration between the neighboring states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, with a representative from each speaking on behalf of their respective state’s accomplishments and goals in offshore wind. MassCEC’s interim CEO, Jennifer Daloisio, provided an overview of Massachusetts’ climate goals, offshore wind lease areas, and current offshore wind sector development initiatives. Brendan Casey, Manager of Research and Analytics at ACP, gave an overview of state commitments and procured projects to date, as well as an assessment of the economic and job impacts of the US offshore wind market. Andy Logan of the Xodus Group broke down the taxonomy of an offshore windfarm for seminar attendees, and highlighted component needs within each stage of project development. Speakers from both Vineyard Wind and Ã˜rsted provided developer perspectives with specifics on tender processes, followed by presentations from GE Renewable Energy, and DEME Offshore US.  

On the Blog...

Massachusetts Maritime Academy Trains More than 120 Individuals to Work in Clean Energy Industry.  

By Capt. Mike Burns, Executive Director of the Academy’s MCRE 
The United States Department of Energy estimates 43,000 new jobs will be created in the offshore wind market by 2030. A Massachusetts Clean Energy study estimates that offshore wind farms will create 2,000-3,000 jobs and generate economic impacts between $1-2 billion in the region.  

Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA) is helping to prepare the workforce for clean energy opportunities by delivering key training for personnel who will build the windfarms that will power the Northeast with clean energy. In 2018, MMA received funding from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center to build the Global Wind Organization (GWO) Training Center at the Academy’s Maritime Center for Responsible Energy (MCRE). The GWO Training Center consists of waterfront Crew Transfer Training Facility (CTTF), a 25-foot Crew Transfer Training Vessel, and a Working at Heights training facility. At the end of 2019, MMA, in cooperation with RelyOn Nutec, began offering the globally recognized GWO Basic Safety Training (BST) at the Buzzards Bay campus, becoming the first facility in the nation to offer all five modules of GWO BST for Offshore Wind. 
Currently, there are three windfarms in various stages of development that will be built in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 20 miles south of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. The developers of these windfarms are all requiring that anyone working on these sites must complete Basic Safety Training. 
One of the first organizations to take advantage of the MMA training is the Pile Drivers and Divers Local 56, the marine construction local of the North Atlantic States Carpenters Union. MassCEC is sponsoring Local 56 members’ participation with a Workforce Development Grant. The North Atlantic States Carpenters Training Fund (NASCTF) has co-sponsored training. So far, 39 members have graduated from the course, including three at the instructor level, and an additional 24 individuals are scheduled to participate in October and November. 
Read more about MMMA Basic Safety Training by Captain Mike Burns, Executive Director of the Academy's MCRE, on our blog here.   

UMass Amherst Meets Offshore Wind Industry Workforce Diversity Challenge with Access Grant Scholarship
By Max Dilthey and River Strong, UMass Clean Energy Extension

The U.S. offshore wind (OSW) industry is beginning a rapid rise to meet the next generation’s need for clean, secure, and affordable energy. As the domestic supply chain gains its footing, the urgent demand for a skilled workforce has driven several New England states to examine the industry’s potential for an equitable, just, and accessible employment market. To help meet these needs, the University of Massachusetts Amherst Clean Energy Extension (UMass CEE) is making diversity, equity, and inclusion a primary focus of their contribution to workforce development. In July 2021, the Baker-Polito Administration announced $1.6 million in grant funding to increase the participation of underrepresented groups in the offshore wind industry. This funding is helping UMass CEE to offer the UMass Offshore Wind Career Access Scholarship program, which offers students from Massachusetts Gateway Cities and Environmental Justice communities resources to overcome financial and logistical barriers to participation in the OSW workforce.

UMass CEE’s Offshore Wind Professional Certificate is an online 3-course graduate-level certificate developed with funding and technical support from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and several OSW industry partnerships. The Certificate is tailored to meet the needs of (1) professionals looking to re-specialize or transition from adjacent industries, and (2) current students looking to begin new careers in offshore wind. The Certificate provides fluency across OSW industry disciplines and sectors, and gives graduates a strong foundation to meet a rapidly changing technical and multi-disciplinary environment.

The three courses in the certificate program each cover a different aspect of the emergent offshore wind industry, including: (1) Technology, engineering, grid Integration, and industry trends; (2) Environmental impact, project siting, permitting, and stakeholder engagement, and (3) Project finance, supply chain management, marketing, business logistics, law, and policy. Certificate graduates are prepared to lead in their respective niche, with confident and comprehensive knowledge of the industry’s current trends, technical details, and future outlook. Accessible course materials, hands-on experiential learning, and guided mentorship in a collaborative environment make the program attractive for learners from all backgrounds and experience levels. The certificate curriculum is drawn directly from the U.S. industry and includes guest speakers from industry and academic specialists. The first cohort -- graduated in June 2021 -- has joined the industry across sectors, in positions with Vineyard Wind, Equinor, Mayflower, Wood Thilsted, Ventower, the Massachusetts Dept. of Public Utilities, and others. In some cases, Certificate students have found employment in the industry even before they finish the program.
These strengths, coupled with the upcoming scholarship program for students from diverse backgrounds, will help UMass CEE expand its student cohort to include members from all communities across Massachusetts. A diverse and inclusive workforce will offer Massachusetts the advantage of a more competitive, adaptable, and innovative foundation for a thriving future in this emergent industry.

To learn more about the program, hear from past students, and access application information, read the full blog post here.

Offshore Wind News Roundup

First Major U.S. Offshore Wind Farm Project Arranges Financing  

Vineyard Wind, the first major offshore U.S. wind project, lined up $2.3 billion in financing with investments by Bank of America Corp., JP Morgan Chase & Co., and seven other banks. Vineyard Wind LLC plans to commence construction next year and begin delivering electricity in 2023.  

Siemens Gamesa Chooses Virginia for Offshore Wind Turbine Blade Factory 

Siemens Gamesa announced that it plans to build the United States' first offshore wind turbine blade facility at the Portsmouth Marine Terminal. The company will invest more than $200 million, which will produce blades for offshore wind projects throughout North America. When fully operational, the facility will be capable of producing blades for 100 turbines annually. 

World's Largest Offshore Wind Turbine Starts Operating at 14 MW 

GE Renewable Energy has announced that the prototype of the latest and most powerful turbine, the Haliade-X, has started operating at 14 MW in the Netherlands. GE Renewable Energy has become the first in the industry to run a turbine at 14 MW.  

US Offshore Wind Pipeline Grows 24% 

The US offshore wind capacity pipeline has increased 24% in the last 12 months to 35,324MW. Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Virginia all increased offshore wind procurement targets in 2020 and early 2021. In total, state goals grew by 15.6GW to nearly 40GW by 2040. 

Maine Files for Federal Lease to Build First US Floating Wind Research Project 

The Governor's Energy Office filed the application with BOEM on October 1, 2021, with plans to lease an area of approximately 15.2 square miles for a floating offshore wind research project. The research array could have a capacity of up to 144 MW. 

Virginia's First Offshore Wind Turbines have Become a Haven for Marine Life 

Dominion Energy's first two offshore wind turbines, currently utilized solely for research, have become a haven for marine life. As part of site monitoring, Dominion Energy took underwater videos of the steel foundation, which is surrounded by rubble on its base called scour protection. Videos taken six months into the project and again in September shows dramatic increases in marine life.   

Biden Plans to Expand Offshore Wind Turbines to US Coasts  

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland has announced seven areas on both coasts and the Gulf of Mexico will be auctioned for wind farms in the next few years. The wind farms are part of President Biden's plan to generate 30 GW of offshore wind energy by 2030.  

New York Mayor Unveils Offshore Wind Plans 

New York Mayor, Bill de Blasio, and New York City Economic Development Corporation have announced a 15-year, $191 million Offshore Wind Vision plan. The plan will create over 13,000 jobs, generate $1.3 billion in average annual investment, and reduce 34.5 million tons of CO2.  

Able to Power 50,000 homes, the 'World's Largest Floating Wind Farm' Takes Another Step Forward 

Norway's Statkraft has started a long-term purchasing agreement related to the Kincardine Offshore Windfarm, a six turbine 50 MW floating offshore wind facility in Scotland. Turbine installation for the project was recently completed and is the world's largest floating wind farm. 

California Governor Signs Climate Action and Renewable Energy Bills 

California Governor Newsom has signed a $15 billion climate package. The legislation includes investments in a package that included solar, wind, and electric vehicles and contained 24 bills focused on climate and clean energy efforts, as well as drought and wildfire preparedness.  

Ocean City to get Maryland's First Emissions-Free Offshore Wind Operations and Maintenance Facility 

Ørsted announced plans to build Maryland's first emissions-free offshore wind operations and maintenance facility in west Ocean City. The facility will accommodate up to three Crew Transfer Vessels that will help service their 120 MW offshore wind energy project under development, called Skipjack. 

Secretary Haaland Outlines Ambitious Offshore Wind Leasing Strategy
During a speech at the American Clean Power's Offshore WINDPOWER COnference and Exhibition in Boston, the Secretary announced plans for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to potentially hold up to seven new offshore lease sales by 2025 in the Gulf of Maine, New York Bight, Central Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico, as well as offshore of the Carolinas, California, and Oregon. 

Building Pathways Pre-Apprenticeship Program is looking for qualified people who want to jumpstart their careers as skilled building trades workers in construction and transportation. Building Pathways is a FREE 200-hour career exploration program with hands-on exposure to the trades – no prior experience needed. This program opens doors to an apprenticeship where you’ll earn as you learn and gain benefits, a pension, and more for you and your family. The next training class will take place in February 2022 in Boston. 
• Be 18 years or older 
• Have high school diploma or GED/Hi-Set 
• Be physically able to work in construction 
• Be a licensed driver 
• Be able to pass a drug test 
• Attendance at a virtual information session 
To apply, you MUST attend a virtual information session. If you do not arrive on time, you will not be entered into BPI's system and will have to attend another session. There are  multiple options for information sessions scheduled throughout September - December 2021. To register for one of these required virtual information sessions, visit
Registration Open for UMassFall 2021 Online Course:
Technology, Resources, Grid Integration, and Trends
UMass Amherst Offshore Wind Professional Certificate: Fall 2021 Course a Great Success; New Scholarship Program Instituted; Certificate Alumni Getting Hired in the OSW Industry

The University of Massachusetts Amherst’s Department of Environmental Conservation, in association with the Clean Energy Extension, offers an online professional certificate in offshore wind, designed for professionals and graduate students seeking to up-skill and broaden their knowledge to prepare for the workforce needs of the offshore wind industry.

Fall 2021 Course a Great Success
The Fall 2021 semester course, ECO 610: Offshore Wind Energy – Technology, Resources, Grid Integration, and Trends – taught by industry professional Ramon Rosquete, a Project Manager for CREADIS and a 14-year veteran of the renewable energy industry – has been dynamic, with guest speakers from Mayflower Wind, Wood Thilsted, Vinci-VR, and the Mass CEC Wind Technology Testing Center. The Spring 2022 course, ECO 611: Environmental Impacts, Siting, Permitting, and Stakeholder Engagement, is now open for enrollment. Learn more here.
UMass Offshore Wind Career Access Scholarship
With support from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center,CEE is offering the UMass Offshore Wind Career Access Scholarship, which provides several full-tuition scholarships for the Offshore Wind Professional Certificate program. The scholarships will enable students from diverse backgrounds to successfully prepare for and join the offshore wind industry. Learn more here.
Alumni Find Positions in OSW Industry
Program alumni and students are already finding rewarding positions in the offshore wind and related industries. For example, recent graduate Dugan Becker is working as a Communications Assistant with Mayflower Wind and Kristin Kelleher has joined Beacon Wind at Equinor as Stakeholder Engagement Manager. Other students have found positions with Wood ThilstedAvangrid Renewables, and the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities.

About the Certificate
The online, 3-course certificate can be completed in one year and covers a broad range of disciplines involved in the offshore wind energy industry, including technology and engineering, development and finance, supply chain management, marketing, environmental impacts, business logistics, law, and policy – and provides students exposure to industry experts, career/internship opportunities, and hands-on learning opportunities. Learn more here.
Request for Beta Testers:
Offshore Wind Virtual Reality Training

VinciVR has been developing Virtual Reality training software for Wind Turbine Technicians and Port Workers. We are looking for organizations to partner with us for our first round of Beta Tests. This test round will be free, and Vinci will provide all VR hardware and software. Participating organizations should be an education institution - high school through higher education - or any other related workforce development organization like labor unions - and will provide 20-40 persons to test the Virtual Reality training. Interested participants should email

More information here:
Bristol Community College National Offshore Wind Institute is offering three professional offshore wind courses. These include: 
  • Onshore Supply to Offshore Wind: a basic introduction to the opportunities for land-based organizations interested in entering the offshore wind market. 
  • Offshore Wind Orientation: an introduction to offshore wind as an industry and technical specialization. This is a 2-day, 4-hour class aimed at those looking to understand more about the sector.
  • Health and Safety in Offshore Wind: an introduction to offshore wind health and safety. The course will contrast the health and safety requirements of the sector with its onshore equivalent and the oil and gas sector. 
Learn more about each course, requirements, and apply here
Offshore Wind Events
American Clean Power's CLEANPOWER conference will be held December 7-8, 2021 in Salt Lake City, Utah. CLEANPOWER’s mission is to not only bring together the different technologies that make up the renewables mix; onshore wind, offshore wind, solar, storage, and transmission but also the different segments within the industries; manufacturers, construction firms, owner operators, utilities, financial firms, corporate buyers and more. Register online today!
The Business Network for Offshore Wind’s annual International Partnering Forum (IPF) is the leading offshore wind energy technical conference in the western hemisphere. From one-on-one networking to sessions on the latest industry developments, IPF is dedicated to moving the offshore wind industry forward. The conference is packed with cutting-edge educational programing, an exhibit hall filled with global companies, networking opportunities and more. Don’t miss out on the must-attend industry event of the year. More information is available here
Join the MA Offshore Wind Supply Chain Directory!
The Massachusetts Offshore Wind Supply Chain Directory is the go-to listing of companies, organizations, and institutions that offer services, skills, and products to the growing offshore wind industry in Massachusetts and the region. Instructions on how to create your listing, as well as frequently asked questions, can be found here. Don't miss this opportunity to list your company today!
Create your listing
New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal
The U.S.'s first purpose-built port for offshore wind
Located in America's #1 fishing port, the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal is a 29-acre facility aimed at accelerating the success of the offshore wind industry in Massachusetts and the region. The terminal features:
  • The highest uniform load capacity cargo facility quayside on the East Coast, capable of supporting a 1,350 metric ton crane lifting a 500 metric ton load at a 30-meter radius along the entire 1,000-foot (305-meter) new bulkhead
  • The ability to sustain uniform loads of 4,100 pounds per square foot (20 metric tons per square meter) and concentrated loads of up to 20,485 pounds per square foot (100 metric tons per square meter) over 21 acres of the main Terminal site
  • A 300- foot wide navigational channel dredged to -30 feet MLLW
  • No overhead restrictions
  • Work and security level lighting allows for around-the-clock activities within the Designated Port Area
  • Ship-to-shore power outlets along the bulkhead
  • Expandable electrical system, including a 3,000 amp, 480/277V, 3 phase, 4 wire system
  • State-of-the-art vega sector lights installed along the hurricane barrier to enhance vessel navigation

Strategically positioned to support import and export trade, the Port of New Bedford is just 20 nautical miles (32 km) from the Cape Cod shipping canal, 83 nautical miles (134 km) south of Boston, and 166 nautical miles (267 km) north of New York.

For more information on the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal, contact

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Offshore Wind Career Pathway Maps on

Check out MassCEC's clean energy workforce webpage,, to view our career pathway maps for offshore wind.  In up-and-coming industries such as offshore wind, career opportunities can be hard to define and navigate. MassCEC’s career pathway maps outline various pathways a worker entering the offshore wind workforce could use to map out potential career plans. Incorporating over 150 distinct occupations, the career pathway maps allow a user to click on an entry-level job type category and learn more about required education and training levels, median pay, sample job tasks, and other related information for specific occupations in the category. The maps then show the different routes a worker could pursue to advance beyond an entry-level occupation to progress their career and standing. 

This is a particularly useful tool for students, job seekers, career guidance counselors, and others interested in learning more about offshore wind job offerings and career opportunities. If you have any questions or comments regarding the offshore wind career pathways maps, please reach out to us via email at

Offshore Wind Jobs

Looking for great candidates for open positions? Check out MassCEC's Clean Energy Jobs Board, where you can submit job postings for full or part-time positions.  Be sure to also check out MassCEC's Clean Energy Resume Board, where you can browse resumes of job seekers who have expressed interest in clean energy job opportunities.

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Massachusetts Offshore Wind Ports and Training Tour:  South Coast Sites
Join us for a virtual tour of port sites on Massachusetts' South Coast that are ideally-situated for offshore wind. 

The tour also includes a stop at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, home of the nation's first GWO-certified Basic Safety Training program for offshore wind.
About MassCEC
The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) is a state economic development agency dedicated to accelerating the growth of the clean energy sector across the Commonwealth to spur job creation, deliver statewide environmental benefits, and secure long-term economic growth for the people of Massachusetts. MassCEC’s Offshore Wind strategy centers around accelerating the responsible development of offshore wind projects and increasing the role of Massachusetts companies, institutions, and workers in the offshore wind industry.
Connect With Us
Our mailing address is:
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
63 Franklin Street
3rd Floor
BostonMA 02110

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