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Friday, November 5, 2021

2 clicks to put the PEOPLE before the Pentagon


Time is running out to cut greenhouse gasses and avoid the devastating impacts of climate change.

But while the Biden administration has promised to take bold steps to reduce the United States’ carbon footprint and invest in clean energy, there’s one BIG piece of the puzzle that’s always missing from the conversation — the Pentagon.

Here’s the thing: the Pentagon is one of the world’s BIGGEST polluters, churning out more greenhouse gas emissions than 140 countries combined. And it’s only gotten worse since the start of the “War on Terror” — military activities in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Syria alone weigh in at over 400 MILLION metric tons of CO2.

If we truly want to combat climate change, we’ve got to shrink the U.S. war machine. But while infrastructure funding and a Build Back Better agenda that would invest in clean energy sit on the chopping block, a few powerful Senators are ready to ram through an astronomical $778 BILLION budget to fund *more* weapons and war.

As we head into the last few weeks of 2021, we have just a few opportunities left to push our Senators to focus their energy on the priorities that will help our communities thrive — instead of padding weapons contractors’ profits. 

That’s why we need your help to let your Senators hear our call: Focus on Build Back Better, not spending more on the Pentagon!

Add your name if you agree →

Right now, at the international COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow, more than 100 world leaders, diplomats, civil society members, and business executives are focused on finding ways to reduce emissions and combat the climate crisis.

Meanwhile, Senator Jim Inhofe, the powerful ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Service Committee, is pushing for a vote on the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to fund the failed F-35 fighter jet, nuclear weapons, battleships, bombs, and surveillance tech.

The recent Build Back Better and infrastructure negotiations, elections, and COP26 are a clear signal that we still need to do as much as we can to build our power and prioritize PEOPLE over the Pentagon. 

Right now, we have a government that continues to make the WRONG choices — like prioritizing war and militarism over the welfare of our communities. You can help turn the tide by sending your Senator a note now: We need to make sure they prioritize Build Back Better over the war budget.

Sign now to let your Senators hear our call: Focus on Build Back Better, not spending more on the Pentagon!

Climate change is the greatest threat facing not only our country, but the entire world. And if we don’t take drastic action to reduce carbon emissions now, billions of people will needlessly suffer. Pouring more money into the Pentagon is not the answer.

Together let’s fight for our communities — and our planet.

Thank you for working for peace,

Stephen and the Win Without War team

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