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Saturday, October 9, 2021

Right-wing media peddles HILARIOUS new vax conspiracy


Today’s Action: Pass the PRO Act!

Trudeau holds onto power in Canada

Today's Top Stories:

Telling people to get vaccinated is leftist plot against Trump voters, Breitbart claims

The hysteria over simple, safe, effective vaccines has reached a most feverish pitch.

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Fox News' Peter Doocy tries another gotcha question on Jen Psaki, instantly gets shut down

Imagine if the nation's largest conservative news outlet spent time worrying about the actual number of people dying of COVID rather than extracting imagined hypocrisies from credible White House health policy.

Centrists pull FATAL stunt

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Beyond dangerous.

Tucker Carlson has a bonkers new COVID vaccine conspiracy theory
Not to be outdone by the braintrust at Breitbart, the incendiary Fox News host is now baselessly claiming that the Pentagon's COVID vaccine mandate aims to identify "sincere Christians," "free thinkers," and "men with high testosterone levels" in the US armed forces.

Justice Department urges Supreme Court not to overturn Roe v. Wade
The DOJ was one of over 40 parties to file a friend-of-the-court brief to support the Mississippi case involving the Jackson Women's Health Organization — the sole abortion provider in the state.

US COVID death toll surpasses 1918 flu fatalities

It didn't have to go this way.

Texas megachurch preacher and Trump devotee says there is no "credible religious argument" against COVID-19 vaccines
A little louder for those in the back, please.

Biden announces plan to combat extreme heat caused by climate change
Extreme heat is now the leading weather-related killer in the US, and it is becoming more common and severe. This summer, at 2.6 degrees Fahrenheit above the historical average, was the warmest on record in the continental US.

Democrats tie government funding to debt bill as GOP plays chicken again
Democratic congressional leaders backed by the White House say they will push ahead with a vote to fund the government and suspend the debt limit, all but daring Republicans who say they will vote against it despite the risk of a fiscal crisis.

CIA director's team member reported Havana Syndrome symptoms during India trip
The official reported symptoms consistent with so-called Havana Syndrome, a mysterious affliction that has struck diplomats, spies, and other government workers at home and abroad.

White House says images of Border Patrol with apparent whip are "obviously horrific"
"I've seen some of the footage. I don't have the full context. I can't imagine what context would make that appropriate, but I don't have additional details, and certainly I don't have additional context," White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said. "I don't think anyone seeing that footage would think it was acceptable or appropriate."



Yes. Seriously.


Today’s Action: Pass the PRO Act!

Striking union workers employed by Nabisco just agreed on a deal with Mondelez International, the parent company of Oreo and Ritz. The 4-year contract was overwhelmingly approved by members and included hourly wage increases each year, a pension plan, and long-overdue updates to workplace policies. The strike involved workers from five different states and is an incredible testament to the power of a unionized workplace. 

The fact is, when unions thrive, American workers and families thrive, too. It’s that simple. For this reason, we must pass The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.

Call (202-224-3121) or write your representatives and demand they support the PRO Act! Send them this petition with almost 40,000 signatures in favor of its passage!

Everyone should have the right to organize their workplace and join a union like those at Nabisco, but  fewer than 11% of American workers are presently unionized. Meanwhile, wages have decreased while the cost of living has increased. Every worker has the right to fight for a living wage and better working conditions. The PRO Act would protect and guarantee the right to union membership and democratized workplaces. 

History shows that unions work. Teachers striking in LA in 2019 negotiated a 6% raiseStriking Frito-Lay workers in Kansas and Amazon workers in Alabama have shown us just how valuable the right to unionize is by fighting incredibly wealthy corporations for better working conditions. The struggle at Nabisco was no exception.

Call (202-224-3121) or write your representatives and ask them to support the PRO Act in solidarity with the Nabisco workers and organized labor throughout the US!

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition demanding Fox News be held liable for vaccine disinformation that’s getting people killed, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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