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Friday, October 1, 2021

Giving Up and Then Falling Into the Comforting Arms of Racism and White Supremacy


Giving Up and Then Falling Into the Comforting Arms of Racism and White Supremacy
How many people out there became the person they expected? To do the job you expected to make a career, to have the life you expected? While we all have unexpected events happen in our lives, opportunity, and disappointment. Rarely do we end up as expected. And so often, we give up on our hopes and dreams. Then it all, many times turns to shit, racism, and hatred. If you have ever wondered why Fox news exists, it is because they want to make sure the wrong people are blamed for something that was at least in part, their (The Con’s) fault. It has always been all too easy to blame “The Others” for disappointments, in their own lives. Then there are the well-paid shills of right-wing or the “Insurrection News” to give you a soft shoulder, tell you it’s not your fault and make sure you know exactly who they want you to think it is.
The “Big Lie” was here long before Trump. And I’m not talking just about racism and white superiority. I’m talking about selling yourself out. The Hippies had it right, to a point. They had the general idea, could see what the problem was but let themselves lose focus on what was really important. Having lived in the same place and time as them, I have to tell you that for a lot of so-called Hippies they were there for quite literally, sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Some were there to promote violence as a solution. But there was a lot that understood the real nature of American society and its “Abuse Culture.” They were seeking to change society into one that reflected who they were. Sadly, you can’t change society, until you change the people that make it up. That is exactly what we are living through, right now.
American society in particular and human society in general works to create orthodoxy. That the person must conform to the norm in how they make a living. Talent doesn’t matter, nor does ability. The only thing that does count is the needs of the employer. In fact, we live in a dichotomy. A political semi-democracy and an authoritarian workplace. So when the people of your job win, authoritarianism usually wins. I polled some people at the dog park this morning and most eventually got into things that actually used their creativity. But I actually think that to be a modern occurrence. I live in a large metro area and there are lots of job opportunities. But what happens in the countryside, the small towns and places off the well-beaten track?
That is where we find the dichotomy of American society at its worst. That is the place where there are destroyed dreams and very few opportunities. The place where people are used as the proverbial toilet paper, can’t make a real living on what they can produce so they must sell themselves to someone. And when all else fails, when all of the dreams are destroyed and is a smoking ruin, racism is right there to smother them in its arms saying “We know you, you are really one of us.” If you wonder how it all works, it’s a circle of stupid in action. First, the job that gave them status and things leaves, sent to China or whatever. Then the angry elect professional shills paid for by the Cons. Fox News and Friends radicalize them. All they have left inside is what they are given by the Cons.
RC Romine

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