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Friday, September 3, 2021



Last night, the Supreme Court did not respond to our emergency request to block Texas' radical six-week abortion ban, Senate Bill 8.

That means the law will now take effect today – prohibiting most abortions in the state. The impact will be immediate and devastating.

This extreme and blatantly unconstitutional law bans abortions at six weeks – before many people even know they are pregnant. But, there's more.

The law also actively encourages private citizens to act as bounty hunters by awarding them at least $10,000 if they successfully sue another person for providing an abortion or assisting someone who gets an abortion at around six weeks of pregnancy.

Donate now. Help the ACLU keep fighting back against the most extreme abortion ban in the nation and other assaults on our fundamental freedoms.

The bounty hunting abortion ban is intentionally designed to overwhelm clinics in the state with lawsuits and legal bills, ultimately forcing them to shut down. And due to structural racism and inequities, laws like Texas' abortion ban disproportionately harm Black and Brown people, people with low incomes, and those living in rural areas. The impact would be so sweeping, it would effectively end abortion access in Texas. Jessie, we can't allow it.

We – in partnership with a steadfast coalition of reproductive health care providers, advocates, and nonprofit partners – will keep vigorously pursuing this lawsuit to have this extreme law struck down. And, with your support, we will do everything we can to protect the reproductive rights of people in Texas and help clinics stay open.

Donate now to help the ACLU fight back in Texas and beyond.

The ACLU is pushing back against a massive assault on access to abortion – in Texas and across the country. And you've helped us win some critical battles. Earlier this summer, we successfully blocked Arkansas' ban on abortion, the latest and most direct attack on abortion by anti-abortion politicians in that state. In addition, our ongoing litigation is currently blocking bans in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, and Tennessee.

But, the attacks on our abortion rights are not letting up – and we urgently need you by our side.

Don't let anti-abortion extremists win. Help the ACLU use our on-the-ground strength across the nation to defend reproductive freedom and all of our civil liberties.

Together, we have to keep fighting for access to reproductive healthcare for everyone, everywhere. Please donate as quickly and generously as you can.

Jennifer Dalven
Pronouns: She, her, hers
Director of the Reproductive Freedom Project, ACLU

P.S. The ACLU was made for moments like this – when people's fundamental freedoms depend on our strength and persistence. Thank you for your passionate support for reproductive freedom and all of our civil liberties.

This email was sent by:
American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004, USA


The worst anti-women’s health care law in the country

A tough week for Texas.

The anti-voter elections bill we’d fought this entire year passed the Texas legislature on Tuesday, and the following day a raft of truly terrible new laws went into effect.

For example, anyone can now carry a gun in public without getting a permit, or going through a background check or receiving any kind of training. This, in a state that has four of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history and a crisis in gun violence against women (women in Texas are 24% more likely to be murdered with a gun than women in other states).

And now in a state that leads the country and much of the developed world in the rate of maternal mortality — because it was already so hard for women to get healthcare, family planning help or to see a doctor of any kind at all — nearly no one will be able to get a safe, legal abortion. Our state has created a system of legalized harassment with the passage of the worst anti-women’s health care law in the country, one that literally places a $10,000 bounty on anyone who supports a woman trying to exercise her basic right to control her own health and decide her own future.

That’s just some of what the people of Texas are up against thanks to our state’s radical, out of control Republican government. They’re also hard at work making scapegoats of public educators, transgender kids and immigrants — all while making Texas one of the deadliest states when it comes to Covid transmission, and keeping their donors in the energy industry happy at the expense of the lives of our fellow Texans.

The only way to change these laws and the terrible trajectory we’re on is to change the people in power.

That’s why I’m asking you to join me by making a donation of $5 or more to support our efforts to reach, register, and turn out the voters who can help us stop this slide toward cruelty, corruption and authoritarianism and win back Texas in 2022.

Please chip in whatever you can afford to help us ramp up our efforts to register new voters, improve access to the ballot box, and ensure that the communities targeted for intimidation and suppression can participate in our democracy and have a say in our future.

If we stay focused on registering and connecting with voters — especially those who have traditionally been left out or written off — we can win Texas back by electing leaders who truly represent the people of this state.

Keep the faith.




The Texas law is an abomination and unconstitutional

This week, the Supreme Court failed to stop the implementation of an incredibly restrictive new abortion law in Texas. In failing to act, the Supreme Court is setting itself up to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Let me be clear: The Texas law is an abomination and unconstitutional. The right of women to make their own healthcare decisions, including the right to abortion, was settled by the Supreme Court nearly 50 years ago and has been upheld in case after case ever since.

We need to speak out loudly on this. Will you join me in adding your name in support of Roe v. Wade and women’s reproductive choice?

When Trump jammed three ultra-conservative justices onto the Supreme Court, we knew it would only be a matter of time before the right-wing came for Roe.

Now, the Supreme Court is abdicating its constitutional responsibilities by allowing this law to stand, endangering the health and well-being of Texas women. And this decision will have far-reaching implications for women’s health across the country for years to come.

We need to continue to protect access to full reproductive healthcare for all women. I stand proudly in solidarity with everyone fighting for abortion access, and ask you to stand with me by signing on here today.

Let's keep fighting —

Democrat David Cicilline proudly represents Rhode Island's 1st Congressional District. An advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, a leader on gun violence prevention, and a fighter for Rhode Island families — David is one of our fiercest legislators in Congress today. Our campaign is powered by supporters like you, and your grassroots support is critical to helping David's campaign for Rhode Island's 1st District.

Paid for by The Cicilline Committee

The Cicilline Committee
P.O. Box 9107
Providence, RI 02940
United States


Texas abortion ban

The Supreme Court’s right-wing majority just refused to block Texas’s unconscionable new law that bans abortion after only 6 weeks — a stage when most women don’t yet know they are pregnant. It’s unconscionable.

In just a moment, I’m going to tell you how you can help in Texas right now, but first, I want to tell you the stakes.

In her dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote:

“This equates to a near-categorical ban on abortions...Presented with an application to enjoin a flagrantly unconstitutional law engineered to prohibit women from exercising their constitutional rights and evade judicial scrutiny, a majority of Justices have opted to bury their heads in the sand.”

Yes they did. A 5-4 majority dominated by justices picked by Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell has effectively overturned Roe v. Wade in Texas. They were just too cowardly to do it outright. But in effect, that’s exactly what this ruling does.

If that’s not bad enough, this law places a $10,000 bounty on anyone who assists someone getting an abortion, even the person driving them to the clinic. And a case being brought by the Mississippi attorney general to the Supreme Court this fall could end up overturning Roe v. Wade for good.

Already, Florida Republicans are eagerly writing their own laws modeled off of the Texas ban with even more states ready to follow suit. Like their fanatical crusade against voting rights, Republicans have introduced more than 500 anti-choice bills in state legislatures this year alone: limiting reproductive freedom, restricting access to safe and legal abortion, or outright banning it.

This is just the start, unfortunately. Which is why it’s so important that we show right now that we won’t accept these unconstitutional rulings — Congress must act to enshrine the right to abortion now.

But here’s how you can help Texas women.

We have put together a list of 10 abortion and women’s health organizations across Texas that are working to help vulnerable people including low-income women, women of color, and transgender individuals gain access to safe, legal reproductive care. They need our support now more than ever. If you can afford it, your donation will go a long way.

Can you chip in $10 to help these 10 amazing organizations right now? 100% of your donation will go directly to them.

Thank you, as always, for your activism. We won’t accept this ruling without a fight.

— Adam


Schiff for Congress
150 E. Olive Ave.
Suite 208
Burbank, CA 91502
United States


Abortion is health care and health care is a human right.

This week, following a 5-4 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a major blow to reproductive freedom when it chose not to block Texas’s radical six-week abortion ban.

The Court has thrown the door wide open to Roe v. Wade being struck down, and now more than ever our movement must come together and make it crystal clear: Abortion is health care and health care is a human right.

Here’s the truth: Senate Democrats have the power to fix this problem right now by abolishing the filibuster and expanding the Supreme Court. So today I’m asking you to add your voice to mine and call on my Senate colleagues to do exactly that:

Add your name if you agree: We must abolish the filibuster and expand the Supreme Court. Our democracy is in crisis, and we must act boldly if we’re going to save it.

We’re already seeing what lengths Republicans in deep-red state legislatures across the country are willing to go to to dismantle the constitutional rights of the American people — especially those of marginalized groups including people of color, low-income families, and the LGBTQ+ community.

Expanding the Supreme Court to restore balance following Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell’s blatant theft is supported by 75% of Democrats and a plurality of likely voters — it is not only the right thing to do, it is popular and necessary.

Whether it’s reproductive freedom and health care, voting rights, climate action, immigration reform, the list goes on — we cannot stand idly by. We must abolish the Jim Crow-relic that is the filibuster and expand the Supreme Court.

This solution may be simple, but it will not be easy. It’s going to take all of us united and demanding that our voices be heard on this issue. So if you agree, please:

Sign my petition calling on my Democratic colleagues to abolish the filibuster and expand the Supreme Court. Help us take this important step toward ensuring equal justice for all.

Last November, the American people elected a Democratic trifecta in the House, Senate, and White House. It’s our duty to deliver what the American people demand. The time to act is now.

Thank you for being a part of our fight.

In solidarity,

Ed Markey

Paid for by The Markey Committee

The Markey Committee
PO Box 120029
Boston, MA 02112
United States

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