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Thursday, September 16, 2021

I Want to Live in a Beautiful World. The True Legacy of the Cons and Regressives


I Want to Live in a Beautiful World. The True Legacy of the Cons and Regressives
Our nation has become ugly. I blame it on the Cons. The Koch Network of donors, creating a wave of indoctrination before every election. A conspiracy of wealthy Ultra Conservatives with tons of money, driving an ideology of hating democracy. Hating freedom of thought and pushing an authoritarian agenda. They have paid for and promoted people like Ted Cruz, Marjorie Taylor Green, Jim Jordan, and yes, Donald Trump. Lies, distortion, misinformation, and lies again are their legacy. They can’t admit who they really are much less what they are doing. They have built a massive infrastructure of manipulation and have built a layered defense of lies to cover their ugly lie. The “Big Lie” of who they are but don’t want anyone to know.
It is rarely such a one-sided event. Where one group drives such ugliness but this is that time. This is a full-out cold civil war in defense of the abuse culture of our past. It defends the ones who see racism as their compass. That only with supreme whiteness in control, can they exist as they are. Their willingness to go to war with their own nation, with truth, logic, ethics, and honesty shall be legendary for those that survive them. They are all of the things, just a different version that the Nazis were, the Communists were. Afraid of the truth, willing to kill, willing to do anything to retain power. Playing this absurd game of thrones, with all of the intrigue and back-stabbing that comes with it. The Democrats are not without guilt either, but theirs is one of giving up, finding comfort in sharing power, and donors with the Cons. They too have been complicit, though that is beginning to change.
I want to live in a beautiful world. No, I demand it. I am tired of the corporate news, a propaganda machine in our very midst that a few rich assholes can run so much of my life and the ugliness they build. I demand a beautiful world! We are constantly appraised of government overreach by the mouthpieces of the Evil Empire of the Cons. But the overreach I see and feel is that of the Cons. They intrude on my freedoms every day. They tell women that they can’t control their own bodies while teaching their thugs to tear off our masks, which we use to protect ourselves. They tell me how I have to vote and whether they will count it or not. THIS is real overreach! The kingdom of the Oligarchs is ugly! I demand to live in a beautiful world!
They pay for and have their think tanks strategize voting suppression bills, anti-abortion bills, and where ever they hold power they follow the rule of the money of the Koch Network. From ALEC to the Federalist Society, to the Club for Growth to The Council for National Policy, they all work to destroy OUR democracy, OUR rights. They are the cancer that creates the ugly! I demand a beautiful world, one that works as well for us as it does for the Koch’s. It is time to stand for the beauty we can build, we can share, instead of the ugly disaster of the Koch’s and their Oligarch class.
I stand for the beauty of a human–centric world. Where we only take what we truly need, and give back more than we take. The Cons take and the Regressives destroy, not because they need to but because they can. It is what the darkness truly is, a darkness on the souls of those that cannot live without power. The power to take from others while celebrating their power.
RC Romine

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