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Saturday, September 11, 2021



Some days I feel like doing something in the "Blog Dept.". I've had some thoughts on a certain subject, so I guess today is one of those days.
How many of you reading this feel that President Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan can be rightly compared to "Schindler's List"? I do. I assume most people remember the film "Schindler's List", based on the life of Oskar Schindler (played in the film by Liam Neeson) , a German industrialist and member of the Nazi Party who saved the lives of some 1200 Jews during the Holocaust. By employing them in his enamelware and munitions factory during the war, Schindler was able to save his Jewish workers from deportation and death in the Nazi concentration camps. Wikipedia describes him as a man who showed "extraordinary initiative, tenacity, courage, and dedication to save the lives of his Jewish employees".
So, what does all this have to do with President Biden? By evacuating thousands of Afghan nationals, most of whom had worked with U.S. forces, he likely saved all their lives. The Taliban has already started murdering Afghans who helped us during the war, and many, many more will be killed. But, not the ones our armed forces under President Biden courageously and tenaciously (and at the cost of 13 American soldier's lives) helped get out. They and their families will now hopefully go on to live full and happy lives in a free country. And their children, and their children's children. How about that.
There was an inscription on the ring given to Oskar Schindler by the people whose lives he'd saved. It's from the Talmud and says "Whoever saves one life saves the world entire".
In the film, after they have completed the list of Jews who will remain with Schindler's factory, Itzhak Stern (played by Ben Kingsley) places his hand on the stack of papers and says this, "This list... is an absolute good. The list is life. All around its margins lies the gulf."
"The list is life". There were literally thousands of Afghans on Joe Biden's list. Thousands.
Those that consider themselves Christian, or a practicing member of any religion, really ought to take note of this. What President Biden did should strike a definite chord with them. And, if it doesn't then...
I also want to take a minute to mention the 13 U.S. soldiers who were killed by a suicide bomber during the evacuation. All over our country, people are asking the same question, "What was it all for?". What were those 20 years about? Why were thousands of our brave men and women killed and injured? What was it for?
There's no way I can answer that question. But, I can tell you exactly why those 13 soldiers died. Saving lives. Saving other human being's lives.
Isn't there something in the Bible that says, "Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for another"?
What do you suppose was happening with our president in the days following the evacuation? Did his heart cry for the thousands of Afghans left behind? Did his heart cry, "I could've saved more. I could've done more."? Joe Biden was no more capable of getting out the millions of Afghans loyal to us, than Oskar Schindler was to get every single Jew out of all the Nazi occupied territories. But, "Whoever saves one life... "
At the end of "Schindler's List", Schindler breaks down in tears saying, "I could've done more. I could've got more out." Then Itzhak Stern says to him, "There will be generations because of you."
Perhaps we should be saying the same thing to President Joseph R. Biden.

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