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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Trump’s big Afghanistan lie exposed


Today’s Action: Tell your representatives to pass Biden’s strong reconciliation bill with all planned climate action intact!

Today's Top Stories:

Trump slams Biden for doing precisely what Trump bragged about doing

For Trump's Republican Party, the decades of failure that led to the horrors in Afghanistan present just another opportunity to lie and score political points.

Take Action: Demand the Jan 6th select committee subpoena Trump and insurrectionist-supporting Republicans NOW

Biden defends Afghanistan policy amid mounting criticism of withdrawal
"I stand squarely behind my decision," the president said. "After 20 years, I've learned the hard way that there was never a good time to withdraw US forces."

DeSantis finally gets what he deserves

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: About time.

George W. Bush expresses "deep sadness" over Taliban takeover of Afghanistan
The former president responsible for launching the longest, most expensive war in US history now has feelings about how it's ending.

Rep. Ilhan Omar calls for coalition to "evacuate every Afghan citizen fleeing for their lives"
"The hard truth about America's longest war is that for 20 years we made promises we couldn't keep," Omar said.

Flights resume at Kabul airport as US aims to extract 22,000 Afghans who helped military
Defense Department press secretary John Kirby said Monday that 1,000 more troops would be deployed to Kabul, eventually bringing the total force there to more than 6,000. About 2,500 US troops are on the ground.

Take Action: Demand a path to citizenship in the budget reconciliation package!

Biden administration set to recommend COVID boosters
News of this impending change in vaccine policy comes just days after federal health agencies said some people with compromised immune systems should get a third shot.

Take Action: Weigh in on if you think Americans should have to face financial hardship because of medical bills.

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No Dem Left Behind: Check out the stellar video for West Virginia Democratic star Richard Ojeda

Nearly 6,000 students and 300 staff in quarantine after COVID exposure in single Florida school district

The alarming number of people in quarantine or isolation has prompted an emergency board meeting at Hillsborough County Public Schools — the seventh-largest district in the nation.

Take Action: Call on President Biden to get healthcare to kids in low income schools!

Federal lawsuit challenges California recall as unconstitutional
A complaint filed in US District Court for the Central District of California argues that the state's recall provision violates the equal protection clause of the US Constitution by allowing sitting governors to be replaced by candidates who have received fewer votes.

Confusion reigns in Texas as legal fight over mask mandates rages between Abbott and local officials
A confusing patchwork of mask mandates has cropped up as state officials and local governments duke it out in court. Also raging? The virus.

Pentagon warns of worsening terrorist threat as Taliban seize Afghanistan
Top defense officials are already warning that terrorist networks inside Afghanistan could quickly regroup in the wake of Kabul’s collapse.



What in the world...


Today’s Action: Tell your representatives to pass Biden’s strong reconciliation bill with all planned climate action intact!

It hasn’t been long since the United Nations came out with a 3,000 page "code red" report that outlines, in some cases, irreversible damage done to ecosystems across the planet. It’s a terrifying reality; without immediate action from our political and corporate leaders, the next few decades will test which communities have the resources to survive increasing climate disasters and which do not.

Though Congress is currently in recess, we need to keep the pressure on and demand that strong climate action remain in the budget reconciliation bill — and demand it’s immediate passage upon the House reconvening. The United States continues to be one of the top producers of pollutants in the world; our legislators need to do some serious heavy lifting.

Call (202-224-3121) or email your members of Congress and tell them to stand behind bold climate action in the forthcoming reconciliation bill, and to pass it immediately!

Global powers must take action to lower greenhouse gas emissions and provide assistance to vulnerable countries suffering the consequences of decades of industrialized pollution. It’s critical that our elected leaders unite behind the passage of the budget reconciliation bill, with all of its proposed climate initiatives intact.

The Earth is in trouble. Vulnerable nations are suffering at the hands of hundreds of corporations, who are creating around 70% of emissions in the United States. Marginalized communities will suffer the worst effects of global warming, but none of us will be spared from the devastation. 

Call (202-224-3121) or email your members of Congress and remind them that they have the power to drastically slow the course of climate change by immediately passing a bold reconciliation bill!

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition demanding the US evacuate Afghani translators and personnel at risk of being executed by the Taliban, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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