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Friday, August 27, 2021

Trump blurts out horrific 9/11 claim


Today’s Action: Sign up to attend a March On For Voting Rights event in your area TOMORROW!

Today's Top Stories:

Trump suggests Osama Bin Laden wasn't that big a deal, says he only had "one hit"

Just weeks before the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the disgraced ex-president suggested the man behind them wasn’t that bad and only had "one hit."

Take Action: Demand the Jan 6th select committee subpoena Trump and insurrectionist-supporting Republicans NOW

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Fed up gov shreds rightwing reporter over bad-faith questioning

The very people who claim to hate the pandemic and everything that comes with it are the same people pushing back against every safety measure to actually end it.

Fox News CAUGHT pulling disgusting stunt

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Unreal.

US Supreme Court ends federal eviction moratorium
The court's conservative bloc ended the pandemic-related federal moratorium on residential evictions imposed by President Biden's administration, siding with a coalition of landlords and real estate trade groups and jeopardizing the housing status of millions of Americans.

Take Action: Demand Congress pass an eviction moratorium that protects EVERY American!

"We will hunt you down and make you pay": Biden vows retribution for deadly attack on US forces in Kabul
The president called the fallen service members "heroes" and recommitted to completing the US mission in Afghanistan by Aug. 31.

Take Action: Call on the US to immediately bring in more Afghan refugees!

US officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate

The White House contends that limited information sharing with the Taliban is saving lives; critics argue it's putting Afghan allies in harm's way.

Take Action: Demand a path to citizenship in the budget reconciliation package!

Democrats condemn deadly Kabul blasts as Republicans push Biden to retake Bagram Air Base
Members of Congress reacted to the deadly explosions outside of Kabul airport on Thursday.

Take Action: Tell President Biden and Congress to close Guantanamo Bay!

Officer who shot MAGA rioter Ashli Babbitt during Capitol insurrection breaks silence: "I saved countless lives"
In an exclusive interview with NBC News, Lt. Michael Byrd said he opened fire only as a "last resort" after the rioters failed to comply with his commands.

Texas governor issues order banning local vaccine mandates
Gov. Greg Abbott is basically aiding and abetting the virus at this point.

Arkansas doc under investigation for prescribing anti-parasitic drug thousands of times for COVID despite FDA warning
The FDA has been warning against the use of ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19 since March. The drug is used to treat parasitic infections, primarily in livestock, and the CDC recently cautioned about an increase in reports to poison centers of severe illness caused by the drug.

Take Action: Add your name to end the prohibition on cannabis!

After bitter fight, the Texas House passes restrictive voting bill
Months of partisan battles in Texas concluded late Thursday, as Republican House members passed new voting restrictions, moving the legislation closer to the governor's desk.



Yes. Seriously.


Today’s Action: Sign up to attend a March On For Voting Rights event in your area TOMORROW!

In the past eight months, Republicans have introduced 389 voter suppression bills across 48 states. These laws specifically target measures that increase turnout, like mail-in voting and expanded early voting hours. Republicans are even criminalizing baseline decency — handing out water to citizens waiting in long voting lines is actually illegal in some parts of the country now.

Republicans are systematically paving the way to rig future elections by making it harder and harder for Democrats to legally vote, and communities across America need meaningful protection at the federal level immediately. That’s why OD Action is cosponsoring March On For Voting Rights in major cities around the country TOMORROW!

Sign up to attend a March On For Voting Rights event in your area tomorrow! Can’t make it? Share the event online using the hashtag #VotingRightsMarch!

In the fight for our democracy, we need all hands on deck. We’ve already seen incredible acts of determination, from legislators like the Texas House Democrats, who risked arrest to block heinous voter suppression bills in the Lone Star State, to Ohio’s Joyce Beatty, the Democratic congresswoman who organized an all-Black female protest at the Capitol and was subsequently arrested. Together, we have so much power. Use that power and join our leaders in the struggle for voting rights this weekend!

Make your voice loud and clear by signing up for a March On For Voting Rights event in your area tomorrow! If you can’t make it, share the event online using the hashtag #VotingRightsMarch!

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition demanding Congress pass an eviction moratorium that protects every American, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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