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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

This past month has made it urgently clear how dangerous Rand Paul is.


Charles Booker

If you are as sick and tired of Rand Paul as I am — I hope you can take two minutes to read this email and then donate $10 to help us hit our urgent fundraising goal tonight.

This past month has made it urgently clear how dangerous Rand Paul is.

From promoting horse deworming medication1 as a COVID-19 treatment, to failing to disclose his own financial stake2 in keeping the pandemic raging, we’ve seen just how low he’ll go to keep his con going.

Kentucky is ready for change and I know that together, we have the power to finally elect someone who will fight for us. That’s my biggest promise in this campaign, because I know exactly what it feels like to be abandoned by our politicians.

I know what it’s like to choose between paying rent and filling a prescription.

I know what it’s like to lose loved ones to gun violence while our politicians ignore the issue.

And I know I’m not the only one who’s gone through these challenges — Kentuckians have been suffering for decades at the hands of leaders like Rand Paul.

It’s time to come together and fight for the future we deserve. If you’re with me, please use this personal link to chip in $10 or anything you can before our end-of-month deadline tonight so that our campaign has the resources we need to compete against Rand and grow our movement:

I know change is possible here in Kentucky.

They want us to think Kentucky is a deep-red state. But we know better.

When I ran for office last year, we witnessed an unprecedented grassroots movement rise up all across Kentucky. Together, we showed the world that Kentuckians are hungry to be heard and have been waiting for a candidate who’s ready to fight for them.

If we keep growing this momentum, we can defeat Rand Paul. But there’s no doubt it’s going to be an uphill battle: 75% of his donations come from big business and corporate donors. We’re not doing things that way — we’re relying on small dollar donations to power our work. So when we have a big fundraising deadline, we can’t just call up a donor on Wall Street for a big check. We need folks like you.

So whether you can give $100, $20.84 (our average donation!), or even just $1 — I hope you’ll chip in whatever you can before our deadline tonight and help us give Rand a run for his money.

Let’s do this,


1 - The Guardian

2 - Washington Post

Paid for by Booker for Kentucky

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