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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

GOP rep wants to bust out Jan. 6 'political prisoners'


Today’s Action: Call on your representatives to unilaterally extend the federal eviction moratorium!

Today's Top Stories:

GOP congressman says he wants to bust out Jan. 6 "political prisoners"

Rep. Madison Cawthorn referred to the rioters who stormed the Capitol as "political hostages" and hinted at plans to call like-minded supporters to DC for future mass protests.

Take Action: Demand the Jan 6th select committee subpoena Trump and insurrectionist-supporting Republicans NOW

The last US military planes have left Afghanistan, marking the end of the United States' longest war
"The past 17 days have seen our troops execute the largest airlift in US history, evacuating over 120,000 US citizens, citizens of our allies, and Afghan allies of the United States. They have done it with unmatched courage, professionalism, and resolve," President Biden said.

Republicans pull shameless stunt over vaccines

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Unbelievable

Biden administration opens civil rights investigation into states barring school mask mandates
Investigators will determine whether mask mandate bans discriminate against students with disabilities who are at higher risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19.

Take Action: Tell schools to protect kids from reckless unvaccinated adults: Require masks during the delta surge!

Despite court decision, Florida withholds school board members’ pay over mask mandates
Florida Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran announced he has begun withholding money from the Broward and Alachua school districts, which went against Gov. DeSantis's now-invalidated order.

Take Action: Add your name to call for Congress to make the Child Tax Credit permanent!

Media watchdog issues dire warning: "Fox News, not Facebook, will be driver of next insurrection"

Angelo Carusone, the president and CEO of Media Matters for America, said, "when there's another big violent right wing flashpoint that captures attention, way too many in media will wonder out loud: 'How did this happen?' 'Were there signs?' You don't need to wade into the online fever-swamps to see the cauldron of extremism simmering. Fox News is ratcheting up heat and legitimizing nightly."

New polls suggest broad support for Democrats' voting rights bills
A majority of voters surveyed said they support passing such legislation without a filibuster-proof majority.

Take Action: Tell Congress to strengthen and expand Social Security!

Thousands face weeks without power in Ida’s aftermath
Louisiana communities beginning the huge task of clearing debris and repairing the damage inflicted by Hurricane Ida are facing the depressing prospect of weeks without electricity in the stifling, late-summer heat.

EU removes US from safe list of countries for nonessential travel
The European Union recommended Monday that its 27 nations reinstate restrictions on tourists from the US because of surging coronavirus infections.

Afghan folk singer taken from his house and killed by the Taliban
In an interview with The New York Times, Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said "music is forbidden in Islam," when asked if it would once again be banned in public in Afghanistan.

Federal judge strikes down Trump-era rule reducing waterways protections
The new ruling will expand protections for streams, marshes, wetlands, and drinking water supplies for millions of Americans and thousands of wildlife species.



Yes. Seriously.


Today’s Action: Call on your representatives to unilaterally extend the federal eviction moratorium!

An estimated 7 million tenants in the US were behind on rent as the nation’s federal eviction moratorium expired in July. While President Biden attempted to extend the moratorium in a race against the clock, the conservative-majority Supreme Court deemed it unconstitutional. We need the House to pass new legislation to extend the moratorium now. Without it, more than a million people could be facing imminent eviction.

Some states have been using pandemic aid as emergency rental assistance, but distributing those funds can be extremely challenging. Months into the crisis, only about 11% of the $47 billion dollars in aid has been distributed to renters and landlords in the hopes of preventing evictions.

The Supreme Court ruling demands that the moratorium be extended unilaterally; we need our representatives to act the second they return to the Capitol.

Call (202-224-3121) or write your representatives and demand that they prioritize new moratorium legislation, and quickly!

We are living through extraordinary, parallel crises. The housing market is skyrocketing, rental assistance programs are struggling, and families everywhere are facing thousands of dollars in back rent and utilities exacerbated by the pandemic. Without an extension of the federal eviction moratorium, we can expect homelessness throughout the nation to rise dramatically. 

We need new legislation that extends the federal eviction moratorium now to protect our neighbors struggling to bounce back from this global trauma. While many have returned back to their pre-pandemic lives, millions in our country are still suffering. 

Call (202-224-3121) or write your representatives and demand they extend the federal eviction moratorium immediately! Remind them that stable housing for millions of Americans depends on their willingness to act.

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition calling for an investigation into Madison Cawthorn’s history of sexual misconduct, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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