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Monday, August 30, 2021

Animals suffering in factory farms




440 million tons of hog waste is being stored in open ponds or pits throughout the country. The toxic mix of waste and chemicals is polluting our air and water! Take action now.

The factory farm industry harms our environment and subjects farm animals to intolerably cruel conditions. Yet the federal government hands these factory farms billions of dollars each year for “conservation.” 

There is another way. Small-scale farmers and many farmers of color have found ways to feed their communities with sustainable farming that is better for our health and the environment. But Congress is still putting Big Ag first. We can stop subsidizing Big Ag and its polluting factory farms, but we need you to use your voice.

Demand Congress stop supporting factory farms over small, sustainable farmers.

Factory farm corporations use extensive greenwashing campaigns to make their operations appear harmless. And Congress has largely been in their corner.  

But Big Ag doesn’t want you to know the extent of suffering it causes animals or the damage it does to the climate in the name of profit. 

Congress could invest in a sustainable farming structure that supports small-scale farmers, including farmers of color, instead of factory farms, but your representatives won’t act unless they hear from people like you.

Tell your Members of Congress: Stop supporting factory farms.

Factory farming harms people’s health. Big Ag operations are often located in low-wealth Black and Brown communities. These operations release methane, a potent climate warming gas, along with other pollution linked to health impacts including asthma, “blue baby” syndrome, and antibiotic resistant bacterial infections. 

But Big Ag corporations spend millions lobbying each year to make sure they receive their subsidies at the expense of more sustainable farms and to keep Congress on the hook to support them.

We’re fighting back to push Congress to support small-scale farmers and farmers of color instead of Big Ag’s factory farms. Can we count on your help?

Demand Congress support small farmers, not factory farms. 

Standing with you,
Jason Davidson,
Senior food and agriculture campaigner, 
Friends of the Earth

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