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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Fed-up Fauci RIPS Rand Paul in hearing


Today’s Action: Boycott Frito-Lay!

Today's Top Stories:

Fauci excoriates Rand Paul: "If anybody is lying here, Senator, it is you"

The nation's top infectious disease expert finally had enough of the the conspiracy-peddling Republican's grandstanding insults.

Take Action: Urge ALL Americans to get vaccinated! Yes, even in red states!

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Jen Psaki takes epic dig at Trump at press briefing

The White House press secretary was asked if Biden would consider "partnering" with the ex-president on tackling vaccine hesitancy on the right. Her answer was brilliant.

Texas Democrats FINALLY dish on Manchin conversation

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: About time.

Take Action: Support Texas Democrats during the walkout!

Biden's sweeping infrastructure bill in peril as GOP threatens filibuster, again
The bipartisan infrastructure deal senators brokered with President Biden is hanging precariously ahead of a crucial Wednesday test vote as they argue over how to pay for nearly $1 trillion in public works spending.

Take Action: Tell Congress to hold big tech accountable for their anti-democracy monopolies that trample the rights of regular Americans!

Tom Brady mocks Trump's "Big Lie" during Biden White House visit
The disgraced ex-president is not going to be happy about his favorite athlete's latest visit to the White House.

Everyone should wear a mask in schools, vaccinated or not, US pediatricians say

Selfish resistance to simple, life-saving measures by millions of Americans on the right means many more months of mask wearing for school-bound children this fall. Because freedom or something.

Take Action: Add your name to call for EVERY STATE to expand Medicaid to those who need it!

Lawmaker introduces bill to prevent Trump from becoming unelected Speaker of House
A little-known quirk of the Constitution grants members of the House the ability to name whomever they want to serve as speaker.

Take Action: Add your name to tell Senate Democrats to DUMP THE FILIBUSTER!NDLB,

Richard Ojeda Makes perfectly clear how Democrats can win in 2022 and how you can help

No Dem Left Behind: The Democratic star is done playing nice. He's ready to win.

US life expectancy fell by 1.5 years in 2020, the biggest drop since WWII
The decrease in life expectancy in the US from 2018 to 2020 was 8.5 times greater than the average decrease in peer countries. And the US declines were most pronounced among minority groups, specifically Black and Hispanic people.

3 GOP House members lose appeals over $500 fines for not wearing masks
In their defense, following simple rules designed to help protect themselves and others is very hard.

Steve Scalise, the 2nd highest-ranking House Republican, just got his first vaccine dose, calls it "safe and effective"
It's about damn time, Steve.

Bezos returns to Earth, thanks Amazon workers and shoppers for paying, gives away $200 million
Maybe Jeff should make this a regular excursion.



Yes. Seriously.


Today’s Action: Boycott Frito-Lay!

Hundreds of workers at the Frito-Lay plant in Topeka, Kansas, are striking to protest slave-like working conditions. Workers at the plant had been subjected to mandatory overtime, 80+ hour work weeks, and unsatisfactory working conditions during the pandemic. Increased demand for snack food has made Frito Lay work their employees to the bone, not allowing any time for their families or personal life between twelve hour a day work weeks. 

Despite the union begging for Frito Lay to hire more workers, executives refused -- pinning the entirety of the shifts required for new demand on the original 550 employees. There was even a time in which an employee died from a medical emergency on the job and workers were simply instructed to move the body and replace it so as to not disrupt the line.

Until the company properly negotiates with the workers’ union, Boycott Frito-Lay and PepsiCo products in solidarity with those on strike in Topeka, Kansas! You can spread awareness about the boycott on social media using the hashtag #BoycottFritoLay.

Frito-Lay and PepsiCo products were already widespread throughout American homes, but then the pandemic hit and increased demand all the more. What did not increase in tandem was the treatment of workers and balance of workload. Instead, working class people like those striking in Topeka, Kansas, bore the weight of working to keep food on the table while risking themselves in inhumane conditions.

As one of the signs at the protest put on by striking Frito-Lay workers put: it is not the shareholders that make their products, it’s the employees that do. Those employees deserve every bit of our support as their union fights for their right to an organized, safe workplace. 

Refuse to cross the picket line and boycott Frito-Lay and PepsiCo products until workers’ rights in Kansas are secured by their union! Use the hashtag #BoycottFritoLay to spread awareness.

PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition demanding an end to worker abuse by factory farms, and be sure to follow OD Action on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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